New Eastern Europe - November-December 2017

(Ben Green) #1

What attitudes do young Czechs have towards religion? Are they tolerant?
Again, the Generation What project offers some insight. In this regard, Czechs are
markedly different from other young inhabitants in Central Europe and the rest of
millennials in general. Eighty-nine per cent of Czechs believe they can be happy
without religion (the same answer was given by 69 per cent of Poles, 72 per cent
of Germans and 86 per cent of Italians). Moreover, over three-quarters of young
Czechs are not against same-sex relationships and an image of two people of the
same sex kissing each other does not bother them (43 per cent of Poles gave the
same answer).
The image which emerges from the statistics suggests that Czech millennials
are pretty similar to their peers in other European countries, but not identical. And
based on my own observations, young Czechs differ from their European peers,
above all, in terms of life priorities: enrichment and chasing trends are not as im-
portant for them. They are also quite tolerant and open to other cultures (including
migrants), which is an exception in Central Europe.
In the Generation What project Czechs were asked to label their generation
using one word. The words that were chosen most frequently were the internet,
freedom, online, lost, future, uncertainty and opportunity.

Translated by Agnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska

Kinga Motyka is a graduate of Polish and Slavic studies and a member of Generation Y.

Millennials versus statistics, Kinga Motyka Poles and Czechs across generations

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