8 Days - November 02, 2017

(coco) #1

saying hi to the newer actors and actresses too.
Will you guys rehearse the lines at home?
YI XI: We just got our scripts so we probably will.
EDMUND: I’ll go through the lines with them and
this can be our new family bonding activity (chuckles).
However, I won’t give them too much direction as I don’t
want them to depend too much on me. I want them to
be able to interact with other actors on set and come
up with their own responses as well.
What about your scenes with Xiang Yun?
I don’t think we’re going to do that (laughs). I’ll see what
kind of chemistry we can create together on screen.
How stressed are you about appearing on the
small screen again?
EDMUND:I feel stressed when it comes to my physical
appearance (laughs). I used to play leading man roles
but it’s been 10 years since Ch 8 viewers have seen
me. They would de nitely be able to see that I’ve aged
quite a bit. I can’t possibly play a 30-year-old man
anymore. Of course, the most important thing is for
viewers to feel comfortable when they see me on TV.
Yi Xin and Yi Xi are just starting out in showbiz.
Do they con de in you when they face problems
at work?
EDMUND: The two of them have been sharing their
problems with me since they were in school. These
days, Yi Xi is more independent and does his own
things. Yi Xin is more sensitive. Even when I pick her

up from school [Ed: She’s a student at Singapore Poly],
she asks me to wait for her in the carpark as she
doesn’t want people to see me (laughs). I understand
the pressure they face as my kids, and I’m happy that
they are  nding their own direction in showbiz now too.
Yi Xin and Yi Xi, are you worried about being
compared to your parents since you
are all in the same drama?
YI XIN: Yes, I’m very worried about
people comparing us or
criticising our acting.
EDMUND: (pats Yi Xin’s
head) You don’t have to
worry. It’s [going to be]
YI XI: Sometimes, it’s hurtful
when people say things like:
‘Do you even know how to act?’
On our end, we can only learn
to do our best. We appreciate
constructive criticism and
comments though.
YI XIN: This is part and parcel of
showbiz. We can only learn from
my idol Taylor Swift and just ‘shake
it off’! (Guffaws)
Life Less Ordinary is showing on weekdays
on Ch 8 at 730pm.

Does this
man ever age?
Edmund is 56
going on 40.
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