Asian Photography — November 2017

(ff) #1

november 2017 33

you’re attracted to as a visual person.”
Having been a wedding
photographer for years, Brett has many
memorable moments in the profession,
and says he has seen almost everything
a wedding photographer possibly can.
He also says that it is important to be
friendly to get unhindered access to
situations. “I have witnessed everything
from the death of a groomsman to sex
between a bride and groom. I can say
that by making friends and making
people comfortable around me, I get
access to the best situations.”
Wedding photography is a tough
industry to compete in and like any other
photography industry, Brett says that it
is best to stand out. Advising upcoming
or budding wedding photographers,
Brett says, “To stand out doesn’t mean
being popular, but working hard and
creating unique pictures that are your
own. One thing that I overlooked early
in my career was niche photography.
Finding a particular client in one city
can work really well for a solid business.
For example, black and white wedding
photojournalist in NYC or soft, colour film

look in Los Angeles.”
“My approach to photography is to not
take it too seriously, have fun and make it
personal, so my personality comes through
in the work. I try and break my own rules so

I evolve. At the end of the day, I need to
be satisfied first. I always say, photography
first - meaning don’t let any bullshit get in
the way,” he concludes.
TexT: abhishek desai

Wedding Special

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