Asian Photography — November 2017

(ff) #1

november 2017 39

conferences happening of late,
photographers have been able to sync
with people from across the world and
converse on the current trends. As much
as we try to adapt with the rising trends,
what we do more importantly is innovate
and improvise through our works. That is
For Studio A, every wedding is
memorable. Having had so many
memorable moments over the years
and Amar finds it hard to coin particular
memorable moments out of the book.
“There have been surprises and shocks
equally. For instance, there was this
wedding that we were shooting in the
United States. The bride and the groom
had Indian roots but had almost spent
their entire life in the US. That didn’t stop
them from staying rooted to the traditions
and rituals. More than the grand venue
and the gala, what bowled me over was
the way they stood firm with their culture.
Little things like an exclusive Palanquin
made and brought from India, timely
Telugu songs for every moment in the
back ground, all the speeches being
made in Telugu and more. After raising

the toast when the groom was asked to
kiss the bride, he kissed her on her cheek
only. The crowd booed and cheered
asking for a French kiss, but he nodded
them off with a sheepish smile. Little

stories like these, fill our days and what
more can we ask for?”
Amar recollects another intriguing
scenario when the wedding party itself
was missing! “There was one wedding

Wedding Special

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