Asian Photography — November 2017

(ff) #1

44 November 2017

What is depth of field?
Depth of field is the distance between
the nearest and farthest distance in a
scene that are sharp. It is also known
as the effective focus range. Aper-
ture plays an important role in depth of
field as reducing the aperture value (i.e
2.8,2,1.8,1.4 etc) will provide low depth
of field and increasing aperture value will
provide high depth of field.

Reasons foR using dof
Depth of field can be used for several
reasons. While the quality depends on
a lot of factors like the aperture, the
camera sensor size and the type of lens
used along with the lens’ maximum
aperture the theory of depth of field is
still the same. Wedding photographers
have shown a keen interest in using
depth of field to their advantage and this

is one of the primary reasons why they
prefer full frame cameras and expensive
and fast lenses with good lens quality.
Let’s talk about the primary reasons
for choosing to shoot low depth of field
photographs during weddings. Low
depth of field photographs can only
be shot with DSLR/Mirrorless/Medium
format cameras etc thus the quality of
images and the overall aesthetics look
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