Asian Photography — November 2017

(ff) #1

the Right time
Selecting the right time is even more
important than selecting the right
equipment. Photography is all about the
lighting. If you wish to shoot in natural
light, then the best way to do it is to
observe how a certain backdrop looks
and feels when the light changes over the
day. If you wish to use both natural and
artificial lights, as used by the majority of
wedding photographers for their outdoor
shoot, it gives you an idea as to which
lights will be required, if reflectors will be
required or not and so on. It also helps
you to provide the bride and groom time
to get ready as they can be intimated
about this beforehand.

Selecting the
If the wedding you are shooting is being
organised in a different location, then
hotels, nearby sea beaches or parks
are the best places to shoot. If you are
planning on shooting in the hotel that
the guests are staying in, make sure you
talk to the manager and take necessary
permissions. Different hotels have

different policies and the last thing you
would want is to get into a problem with
the hotel staff. Nearby parks provide
an excellent place to shoot as they are
almost always well maintained and are
mostly quite colourful. Sea beaches can
be great to shoot in, specially during
sunrise or sunset. Many pre and post
wedding photographs are shot in sea
beaches near destination wedding

hotels. Anything can be turned into a
backdrop as long as you can visualise
that the final images will look good.

Selecting the Right
Selecting the perfect equipment for a
shoot is quite important and this is where
the photographer’s experience comes
in. Most of the times, it is impossible
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