Asian Photography — November 2017

(ff) #1

66 November 2017

tips and techs

Wedding photographer’s



A wedding photographer is a busy person. He/she is responsible not only for shooting memorable
images, but also to make sure the images stay safe and in various mediums. Post-production is
very important, specially in wedding photography and it begins the moment the images are shot.
The process is simple and depends a lot on the photographer’s preferences and his methods of the
work-flow, but the final goal is to deliver the client what they want. If you are starting out in wedding
photography or just want to make things better for you after shooting, we have some tips for you to
make things more effective.

Backing up is the most important part
that has to be done as soon as possible
when the shoot ends. The reason behind
is simple, you do not want to lose all
the images at any cost. So a foolproof
backup system is very necessary. If you
carry a laptop along with you, you can
transfer the files on the laptop or use an
external drive to back the data up. It is
suggested to make backups in at least
two places before you begin editing.
When you reach home or at your work
station, you can then copy the files to
your workplace for better accessibility
as well. This will reduce the chances of

losing data and in case you do, you have
it all backed up.

ImportIng fIles
After you are done with copying and
backing up the files, you now have to
import the files to your preferred editing
software. Importing the files will make it
easier for you to sort and select the files
accordingly. However, importing the files
in large numbers will take some time.

selectIon and fInal selec-
The selection process now is a
time consuming one. You have to
focus and find the best ones in the
lot. The ones which make the cut, you
can give individual images star ratings
like in Lightroom and sort the images
accordingly. This will make it easier for
you later to just find the ones that will
be edited. You can them send your client
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