Asian Photography — November 2017

(ff) #1

72 november 2017

shooting Wide
It’s better not to use a prime lens with
stopped down apertures. Why would
you shoot on f/5.6 when it can go down
til f/1.8? Well it depends on a number
of factors and the look and feel of the
image is considered before selecting
a setting for an image. However using
wide apertures will let more light in
the camera allowing you to use faster
shutter speeds or in case when the light
level drop down. The wide aperture will
make up for the light loss but only to a
certain extent if you are not pushing the
ISO up.

Filling in light
Sometimes the natural light may be
harsher than you had expected it to be
and it poses a new problem. Photos

Tip #3

Tip #2

taken in harsh light look flat and create
very hard shadows on the subject.
Using fill light to balance out the
lighting is a good idea. You can use
a fill flash to fill in the hard shadows
making the exposure more even. In

case you are not using a flash, using
a reflector to divert the light for fill in
will also work wonders. Reflectors
are generally available in various
sizes and it’s not so difficult to pack
one in your camera bag.
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