Asian Photography — November 2017

(ff) #1

NOVEMBER 2017 75

Wedding Special

to see the wedding album in a second.
There are however more problems to
this as well. There are different kinds of
people in your friend list – good friends,
not so good friends, acquaintances,
work friends etc and you might not be
comfortable to share it with everyone.
Afterall it’s something special! The other
issue is that most social media platforms
tend to downsize the images and display
them in low quality. This makes no
sense since you paid a lot of money to
the photographer for his skill as well as
his high quality equipment producing
high quality images. While the former
problem can be avoided by creating a
hidden album and sharing links to only
your close friends, the latter problem
cannot be solved by the users.

diGital album
These were all the rage at one time

as people thought these would replace
all kinds of printed albums. But the
problem was that the printed albums
were much easier to use for the older
generation and it was much cheaper
and much more portable. These digital
albums then became a way of displaying
your favourite photographs, from the

wedding or otherwise, at your house or
offi ce desk. These might be good as a
conversation starter or just as a part of
your home decor.

Imagine a family gathering after
your wedding and now imagine the
best way to view your photographs and
videos there? Mobiles and iPads are
too small? Laptops have an awkward
viewing angle? Televisions are the way
to go. Connect your television to your
laptop using an HDMI cable or just
use a pendrive and play your favourite
videos or photographs from there! The
large screens and higher viewing angle
provided for a great way to display
photographs of your wedding.

This relatively old and tedious way
of sharing photographs, this medium is
still used. One can use google drive or
dropbox to share images and videos via
email to their close ones. This requires
a good internet connection and a lot
of time in your hands for you to sort
through and make fi nal selections of the
images you wish to share because there
is a size limit to all of these. Sometimes
when sending the same email in bulk
the emails get lost in the spam folders
of receivers which can also be an issue.
Now that we have learnt about the
pros and cons of different methods of
displaying photographs and videos and
sharing memories, we hope you can
make an informed decision as to which
mode suits you the best – both as a
client or as a photographer!

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