AsiaSpa — November-December 2017

(WallPaper) #1



AsiaSpa November/December 2017

Unlike other types of meditation, vipassana
focuses inwards rather than on external
items such as a candle flame, or the
sound of flowing water. Mindfulness aids
relaxation by training our minds to not
only be aware, but also attentive, which is
actually perfect for the modern man. It helps
improve concentration at work, or bring our
attention back when we are distracted (for
example, when sports are in front of us on

Mindfulness meditation may just be the antidote to the pressure of masculinity

Insight of Vipassana

Writer Cal Wong

In our constantly buzzing world
are we ever really far from distraction? It
has become increasingly important to stop,
unwind and find that elusive centre, the
very notion of which suggests something
is out of alignment in our lives. This is not
a condition restricted to the modern world
as humans have been seeking balance
since the development of language skills.
With that, the capacity for comprehension,
situational and spiritual awareness expanded

exponentially. We can plan ahead, reflect on
situations and relate them to our personal
circumstances. While an evolutionary leap,
it also had a side effect – stress.
Vipassana meditation literally means
‘through perception’ or mindfulness and is
an ancient and effective method of dealing
with stress, believed to be the oldest of all
Buddhist meditation practices. Religious
scholars believe Buddha, the man himself,
developed and propagated the practice.

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