AsiaSpa — November-December 2017

(WallPaper) #1
November/December 2017 AsiaSpa 85

a guilty pleasure, a few hours of Netflix
complete her indulgence. “I love nothing
more than curling up with my two feisty
cats and boyfriend,” she says. “Though a
yoga retreat, exploring an exhibit or renting
a house somewhere would also come high
on the list.”
It was in Paris that Mac recalls finding
inspiration for the A/W 2017 campaign
theme of escapism, peace and nature. The
fern graphics, she says, “serve as a reminder
to journey into your own personally carved
space in your city. You cannot always
escape on a luxury getaway or embark on
an epic journey at the drop of a yoga mat.
Sometimes we have to do that in our own
minds, wherever we are.”

Meet Sadie Reid, founder and editor
of online well-being magazine Hip &
Healthy. Juggling life as a mum and a
hugely successful online publication,
(while making it look effortless), Reid has
achieved an incredible amount in a short
period of time. I find out her go-to methods
for rekindling her sense of inner calm when
the day-to-day gets too much.
Going back to the beginning, Reid
explains how Hip & Healthy was born out
of “a desire to fill a gap in the market for
stylish and beautifully curated health, fitness
and lifestyle content”. Seeking to inspire
her readers to become the best versions
of themselves, the wheels were soon in

motion to add a digital activewear store to
the site. “We were the first online luxury
multi-branded sportswear retailer and it’s
amazing to see how the market has grown,”
she says. “Three years ago we started with
just five brands. We now have around 40
and are approached by new designers every
day. We pride ourselves on only working
with people whose philosophy fits ours.”
What does an average day look like for
Reid? Busy, yet even the briefest of insights
into her daily routine reveals a balanced,
seamless transition between maternal,
professional and alone time, which could
just be the secret to her success. Her day
starts at around 6.30am with meditation
and herbal tea, before breakfast with her
husband and three-year-old son Max.
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