IFR Asia – November 25, 2017

(nextflipdebug2) #1

China's outbound frenzy is real - and it's scary

I’M IN BEIJING as I write this, enjoying
my first trip to a city which I had
somehow managed to avoid for
professional reasons - my full-time gig
didn’t warrant a visit - until a freelance
opportunity presented itself.
The city is an agoraphobic’s
nightmare. Distances between the
buildings on the endless boulevards
are vast, as if the town planners were
on some powerful and sustained
hallucinogens when they put the place
Tiananmen Square, in particular,
looks as though it could accommodate
the entire central business district of
Singapore - my home - with ample
space to spare.
An optical illusion, of course, and there are those who
suggest that something similar applies to the entire edifice
of China’s economy. For all the glitz and the shiny newness
of everything, there is an attendant shadow of debt that
must be repaid and cannot be. It’s all hubris for now.
Well, as illusions go, it’s pretty damn impressive, I have
to say – notwithstanding the panicked and visibly paranoid
desire to control that emanates from the agents of the state.
Entering Tiananmen involves queueing in line, having
your ID card scanned and getting patted down by shouting,
uniformed flunkies.
Mind you, I suppose something similar has happened at
British airports, and I wonder if it will soon be happening
at our national monuments. I somehow doubt a Chinese
tourist will have the pages of his or her passport flicked
through in order to enter Westminster Abbey, as I
experienced in order to get a ticket to enter the Forbidden
City. Thankfully, my papers were indeed in order, and my
entrance to that particular attraction wasn’t forbidden.

TALKING OF SCALE, and dare I say hubris, I will share a meeting
I had with some senior Chinese loan bankers - for their sake
I will not say for whom they worked. They were utterly
gung-ho in terms of a few variables: size and the financing
of Chinese mergers and acquisitions abroad.
There was talk of a mega acquisition loan running into
the tens of billions of dollars that immediately made me
think of the Kohlberg Kravis Roberts leveraged buyout of
RJR Nabisco, which epitomised the cavalier capitalism of
1980s America.
And in that thinking I invite a comparison between
the state of play in 1980s capitalist America and modern-
day China. Surely such braggadocio exercises in financial
leverage signal a system which is sick on something - let’s

say hubris - and ripe for a takedown.
Well, of course, the element that is entirely different in
China’s case is that the biggest players in this game are
state-owned banks. KKR didn’t have that backing. And
they are huge in terms of balance sheet and have endless
government support to carry them through a bad call on
funding an overseas takeover from the inside.
There were moves last year by the Chinese financial
authorities to rein in what appeared to be a growing
overseas M&A feeding frenzy; perhaps it was too soon to
call an end to that frenzy. If talk of this mega loan bears
fruit, then it certainly was.
Walking down the pristine shopping streets of Beijing last
week, I realised first-hand the Chinese obsession with all
that is Western. I passed yet another Apple store, with its
hordes of customers (and they appear to be buying), passed
huge photographs of David Beckham, so inflated in scale
they rival the image of Mao Tse Tung hanging outside his
mausoleum in Tiananmen Square - except he’s advertising
a watch on his over-tattooed wrist rather than political

ALL THIS SUGGESTS the outbound M&A revolution from China
to the West has only just begun. We’ve seen it already with
ChemChina’s Syngenta purchase, the
purchase of the AMC cinema chain by
Dalian Wanda five years ago, and I’m
sure we will see a lot more. It’s based
on a phenomenon one can only fully
appreciate from a visit to China.
But from the point of Western
investors, be they in American equity
markets or buying offshore dollar
bonds, this “go out” policy can only be
welcome. For now, they must ride the
wave that Chinese capital has set in
Anyone who has ever profited from
an investment boom wants to say “it’s
different this time.” For the moment,
I suspect it might be, although the law
of gravity will inevitably apply at some
This trip to Beijing has opened my
eyes to the peculiar nature of the newly brewed Chinese
capitalism. It’s hubristic, obsessional and, possibly, very
But if a wall of Chinese money is responsible for frothy
US equity prices - rather than the deregulation and low
taxation of the Trump presidency - as well as for the ultra-
low pricing of offshore bond spreads, then so be it. Better to
ride the wave than crash out of it too early.

20 International Financing Review Asia November 25 2017



in financial
signal a
system which
is sick on

experiences Beijing’s
appetite for western
brands first-hand


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