
(singke) #1


Civil Aviation’s Transport Volume Ranks

Second Globally for Ninth Year in a Row

The total transport volume of China’s civil aviation
industry – cargo and passenger transport combined –
ranked second globally for the ninth consecutive year,
according to China’s 2016 Statistical Bulletin of Civil
Aviation Industry Development.
In 2016, the total turnover of the whole industry
reached 96.251 billion ton-kilometres, while the total
passenger traffic volume was 487.96 million passenger
journeys. China continued to rank second globally in
terms of transport volume.
The passenger traffic volume increased 11.9 per-
cent year on year, higher than the 11.3 percent rate in

  1. And civil aviation’s passenger transport turnover
    accounted for an increasingly large share of the overall
    transport turnover – nearly a quarter in 2016.
    The industry is improving in quality and efficiency.

The average flight punctuality performance was 76.
percent, over eight percentage points higher than in

  1. And the average occupancy rate was 82.6 per-
    cent, a relatively high rate internationally.
    Notably, although more flights mean more security
    pressures, China had no flight accidents in 2016 and
    the rate of major accidents per million flight hours over
    a ten-year scope is 0.016, with the international aver-
    age being 0.217.

China to Enact
Marine Fishing Ban

China launched its
strictest-ever fishing ban
at three simultaneous con-
ferences in coastal cities
on May 1.
Implementation of
marine fishing bans began
in 1995 with the aim
of conserving biological
marine resources. How-
ever, differences in what
is covered, lengths of ban,
and modes of operation
in different areas of the
sea led to confusion that
undermined the conserva-
tion effort.
Earlier this year, China’s
Ministry of Agriculture
made its 14th adjustment
to the system, to unify
and expand the types of
ban and requires that all
modes of operation, ex-
cept for rod and line, are
banned in seas above 12
degrees north, a line that
runs through Thailand
and South China Sea to
the Philippines.
The ban period has
been extended by one
month overall and will
last at least three months.
During the period, the
coastal regions will strictly
combat fishing practices
in breach of the rules. Photos by CNS, CFP


Guess who’s in town

Former England football captain David Beckham
was in Shanghai in May to push a new vision for Brit-
ish heritage brand Kent & Curwen. Beckham has
been brand amabassador of the male clothing label
since 2015.
An evening of cocktails and an immersive presen-
tation at the Waterhouse at the city’s South Bund
attracted huge crowds outside the venue. Beckham
delighted guests by saying “I love Shanghai. I’ve been
here so many times now that Shanghai is like my
second home” and explaining “this is a project that
is close to my heart because it authentically combines
old British heritage with contemporary style.”

A recent study in Jing
Daily, the digital publica-
tion on luxury consumer
trends in China, entitled
“How to Impress China’s
Mass Affluent Males”
seemed to indicate support
for Kent & Curwen’s mar-
keting strategy.
The study found that
although MAC (mass affluent class) males were less
likely to be influenced by online advertising, they have
the greatest affinity with live sports programmes and
videos. That makes it even better to have a sports per-
sonality the size of Beckham on the ground in China
in person.


Natural partners

Some observers have interpreted the UK’s Brexit
vote as beating the retreat from globalisation, but the
British government says it’s determined to find new
economic partners from further afield. This quest
took Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond
to Beijing in mid-May for Chinese President Xi Jin-
ping’s summit on the Belt and Road initiative.
Belt and Road is Xi’s visionary plan that seeks to
solidify China’s trade route through central Asia to
Europe through a myriad of infrastructure projects.
Hammond was lavish in his praise when he said,
“This initiative is truly ground-breaking in the scale

of its ambition...and it has the potential to raise the
living standards of 70 percent of the global popula-
tion.” The Chancellor was also careful to talk up the
UK by emphasising that “Britain, lying at the West-
ern end of the Belt and Road, is a natural partner in
this endeavour.”
Within the UK, the devolved administrations of
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will also have
to secure many new markets and trading partners in
the wake of the Brexit decision.
An example of this is the city of Yantai (population
6.5 million) in Shandong Province where, backed by
the Scottish Government, the Scottish Chamber of
Commerce signed a memorandum of understanding
and opened an international trade office in May.

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Air Transport, Freight

Air Transport, Passen-
gers Carried (2012-2016)
in billion ton-km

610.3 671.7748.1851.7 962.5 319 354 392 436 488

in millions
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