Outlook Business — December 07, 2017

(singke) #1


My Best Pick

22 December 2017 / Outlook BUSINESS

The company’s market share in the next three
years is expected to rise to 17 % at the expense of
its competitors and the unorganised market. Again
this performance would not have materialised with-
out establishing perhaps the most extensive nation-
wide network of motivated distributors and retailers
who are richly incentiv ised for superior sales perfor-
mance. Currently, over 80 % of the company’s reve-
nue comes through its own distribution network of
625 distributors and 40 , 000 retailers spread across 300
cities/towns in the country.
In 2013 , the company had embarked on a major
branding exercise to create awareness and visibili-
ty around its products. These initiatives resulted in
higher sales growth in tier II and III cities compared
with tier I cities. The company is now working with
a reputed marketing consultant to launch new prod-
ucts under the “APL Apollo” brand. It is also targeting
30 , 000 signage boards across the country for higher
visibility and has earmarked 0. 5 % of its FY 17 revenue
for this exercise. The eff orts are already paying off.
Improving brand strength has also helped APL Apol-
lo bring down its debtor days from 40 in FY 13 to 24 in
FY 17. Inventory days, too, have fallen from 52 in FY 13
to 38 in FY 17 , through effi ciencies in manufacturing
and by leveraging on the company’s strategic manu-
facturing footprint.

Marketing genius apart, Gupta has demonstrated re-
markable fi nancial savvy and discipline. By optimis-
ing capital expenditure, the company has maintained
an attractive return on invested capital of 20 %-plus,
which is set to exceed 30 % by FY 20. He has relied on
internal cash generation to increase capacity and is
averse to debt: the company is expected to be debt-
free in the next three years. But the leverage is not

humongous either. The debt on APL’s books is cur-
rently over # 590 crore and the debt-equity ratio is
just around 0. 83 x. Gupta also understands the impor-
tance of good corporate governance: the company’s
books are audited by a Big 4 auditor; it has a distin-
guished board of industry experts; and is committed
to policies that encourage sustainable development.
It’s close to a decade now, but Gupta’s hunger for
growth remains intact. While the company may
have guided for lower rates, knowing him for the
past nine years, I know he will not be satisfi ed with
a revenue growth rate of less than 25 % CAGR. And
with operating leverage kicking in, operating profi t
should rise at a CAGR of over 30 %. The confi dence
around APL is also on account of the fact that it has
a presence in sectors that are not cyclical. Around
30 % of APL’s retail sales are to the household sector,
30 % to the infrastructure sector and the remaining
20 % comprises agricultural pipes and scaff oldings.
Direct sales to real estate and infrastructure proj-
ects account for the balance 20 %. Against such a
backdrop, a stock that trades at 14 times estimat-
ed FY 19 earnings is cheap. And it is cheap because
the stock is under-researched and under-owned.
APL Apollo operates in a sector which is non-sexy.
It’s when APL delivers results year aft er year, which
surprise and sparkle, will fund managers shed their
bias and buy into the vision of Sanjay Gupta just like
I did grudgingly.
Whatever any one may think; I am a convert. I may
be buying the stock 19 times dearer, but when I wake
up fi ve years later, I am convinced that it would be at
least three times my purchase price. And I can live
with that. Gupta is a man of promise and what we
have seen thus far is just the beginning of his over-
arching ambition. b
The writer holds the stock in his personal capacity

Increase in sales of higher-margin products such as pre-galvanised tubes is expected to boost margin
APL’s product margin profi le (%)


Black Round







Sales volume mix in (%)

Source: Analyst report

Special Value-added products
Galvanised Tubes
Round Pipes
Pre-Galvanised tubes
DFT Technology Products
Hollow Sections
Hollow Sections

FY16 FY20E

25 25

25 25

20 10

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