FlyMag №03 2017

(Marcin) #1

(^36) THE MAGAZINE 03 37
For the crew of the B-1s the biggest differences
between exercises in Europe and continental USA
were that they had the chance to cooperate with
the Coalition partners.
The Captain explains: ”We can’t do this at
home. It costs tons of money. During Red-Flag
and Green Flag our aircraft and squadrons have
worked together with Emirati Mirages before. But
we were able to integrate and train together with
the coalition and with the navies of the different
countries. Because we are situated in the middle
of the United States, we don’t fly to the coast very
often to train and integrate with the navy.”
The squadron has learned a lot, and they enjoy
doing it: “It is good to see this part of the world
and it is good to see how we can pick all our
necessities and move it to a location, fly out from
there, work with coalition partners and other US
units like the F-16s from Aviano and execute
missions successfully with JTACS from Lithuania
and Latvia.”

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