FlyMag №03 2017

(Marcin) #1

(^42) THE MAGAZINE 03 43
From Draken to Eurofighter
Colonel Kovach, an experienced military pilot,
was the commander of the surveillance wing
at Zeltweg from 1997 to February 2014. During
his time as commander, he played a decisive
role in the withdrawal of the “Draken” at the end
of 2005 and the takeover of the Eurofighter as
a successor in 2007. Since 2008 he has been
responsible for system implementation and
regular service with the Eurofighter weapon
“Our focus is the air-to-air shooting and the
associated qualification of the pilots during
the 14-days liveexercise. The training goal was
reached by all 12 pilots within the planned 65
practice flights over the North Sea by 10th of
May” informed Colonel Kovach during a press
day in Wittmund on 11th of May. On average,
2 missions with 4 aircraft each and duration
of up to 90 minutes per day were taken.
Outstanding cooperation
They were either flown together with the
Eurofighters of the host, or were practiced
with the A-4N “Skyhawk” target tugs of the
Wittmund-based Discovery Air Defense Service
Inc. In the shooting ranges ED-D44 and ED-D46
northwest of Helgoland the A-4s towed a target
on a 300-meter-long rope, which was about 1
x 15 meters long, which the Eurofighters had to
shot at with the cannon and sharp ammunition.
An elaborate measuring technique analyzes how
precisely they have met their goal.
“Our Eurofighters will leave Wittmund again on
16th of May. For us, the ideal conditions and
also the cooperation with the members of the
Tactical Air Force Wing were outstanding” lauded
Col. Kowatsch the cooperation with the German

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