FlyMag №03 2017

(Marcin) #1

(^50) THE MAGAZINE 03 51
The aforementioned Harriers were also on show
along with a few EA-6B Prowlers, a splendidly
maintained C-9 and C-12 and even an F-35
Lightning II with colour on its tail. The US Navy
chipped in with two SH-60 Seahawks and the
Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Squadron,
the sure-fire winners as far as the crowd was
The US Air Force was represented on the ground
by a B-52 from Minot AFB and a C-17 from Dover
AFB amongst others as well as the amazing F-22
Raptor Demo Team display.
The older generations of aviation were symbolised
by displays from B-25 ‘Panchito’, a rare OV-1
Mohawk and a Curtiss C-46 Commando.
All of the aerial displays were as ever entertaining
and well choreographed with the main plaudits
going to the Canadian Forces F/A-18 team and
their colourfully marked plane, the previously
mentioned Blue angels and finally to the Marine
Air Power show demonstrating the might of
MAW-1 in an airfield attack sequence, ending
in a ‘wall of fire’!
Sadly the weather was not ideal being cloudy
and dull, but at least the rain held off making
this an enjoyable show for one and all.

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