The Moneymaker:
The comedian has ditched his
designer bags for a frugal lifestyle. He’s
cancelled his credit cards, he doesn’t
even own an ATM card, and withdraws
money daily. What happened?
8 DAYS: You’re a self-professed reformed spendthrift. What
sparked this change?
KUMAR: Things changed a lot when I turned 40. My priorities are
different now. Three years ago, I did social work for [youth charity]
Beyond Social Services and I realised the under-privileged
families are so happy despite their circumstances. If they
Kumar, 49. The comedian is celebrating his
50th birthday next year with a Golden Jubilee
show called Kumar50. When he turned 40,
he Marie Kondo-ed his wallet by getting
rid of his credit cards and cutting down on
unnecessary expenditure, choosing to spend
cent-sibly instead.
HIS HOME: A four-room flat in Serangoon
North, where he has been living alone for the
past three years.
HIS RIDE: “I flag a taxi. I don’t use [apps like] Grab or Uber.
I still have an [early model] Samsung Note 4, I don’t have a
laptop, and I’m not even on social media! I just spend my time
watching TV or having friends over to chit-chat, or playing with
my dog.”
WHAT’S IN HIS WALLET: Cash, and nothing else. “I cancelled
my credit card before I turned 40. When you’re a spendthrift, it’s
not good to have a credit card. I’d go drinking with freeloading
friends and become too generous [with treating people] when I
got tipsy. I don’t have an ATM card either; I just calculate how much
money I need every day and go to the bank to withdraw cash from
the bank teller. If I can’t go to the bank, I borrow some money from
my sister who stays near me.”