Marie Claire South Africa — January 2018

(lu) #1
Julia Anastasopoulos;
Suzelle DIY; Tali Babes







to tell me more about this reclusive
side of herself. ‘You know, I never
thought that this was what my future
would have in store for me. When
I finished studying drama, I was so
bogged down by the acting industry,
that I turned to my other great
passion – illustration.’
And what an accomplished
illustrator she is. Her art is
displayed at Cape Town’s Civic
Centre and MyCiTi Bus Stations.
Another little-known fact is that
Julia designed a Peg Light in 2008,
and went on to win an award in
Eskom’s Energy Efficient Lighting
Design Competition.
A performer and an illustrator...
They’re worlds apart, and Julia
says she sometimes finds herself
wondering if her personality is
more suited to the latter. Often,
when fans meet her, she can
tell they’re surprised she isn’t as
high-energy or expressive as her
characters. ‘I guess people can be
disappointed, but I also take that
as a compliment because it means
they believe in the characters.’
Of Julia’s widely varied fans,
she has a particular soft spot for
the littlest ones, and lights up
when she talks about how children
react to her. ‘When parents send
me videos of their daughters
dressed up as Suzelle doing little
DIY projects, that means the world
to me. It’s almost unreal to think
that kids look up to her, and it
makes all the long hours and hard
work worth it.’

But are all Suzelle and Tali
moments as heartwarming? Julia
laughs. ‘Sometimes people approach
me in strange places. When I’m on
the treadmill at gym, sweating with
my hair everywhere, and they want
a selfie, it can be quite tough.’ In
a lower voice she adds that one of
her fans once sent a painted portrait
of her. ‘It might actually still be in
here somewhere.’
Once we’re done with hair and
make-up, we prepare for the shoot.
Julia says that despite all her

Youtube and Instagram videos, and
countless photoshoots, she feels
nervous and shy as herself in front
of the camera. ‘It’s because it’s me.
When I’m Suzelle or Tali, it’s easier,
because they’re so formed and
developed that they’re completely
different people to me.’ There are
no pouts or hair flips from Tali,
nor any quirky poses from Suzelle;
rather, Julia is poised and reserved.
It’s Friday, and I’m curious as
to what Julia has planned for the
weekend. ‘After a busy week, the

ultimate relaxation for me is to be in
nature, or to explore small towns in
the Western Cape with Ari.’ She also
loves spending time with her family,
which is filled with creatives. ‘My
mother is a retired art teacher; my
father is an engineer with a keen eye
for design, and both of my sisters are
incredibly creative.’
Julia loves children, and I ask her
if she plans to start a family of her
own. ‘That’s definitely a possibility,’
she says. I immediately think what a
great help Suzelle would be in kitting
out a nursery, and how fabulous a
godmother Tali would be. Luckily,
Julia is well connected enough to
have both. mc


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