The CEO Magazine Asia — December 2017

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The reality here is that, for the most part, Baby Boomers have clawed their way to the top
of the corporate tree by now, and they’ll be setting the workplace tone as a result.
But while that’s not always the case, it doesn’t make it any easier for any members of generations X,
Y or Z who might want to shake up the workplace, only to be stymied by a Baby Boomer boss.
The answer, says McCrindle, is for everyone to understand the real and tangible benefits of age diversity. This is
something that starts with Baby Boomers, who are often in a position to change a workplace’s culture.
“Why have diversity, any diversity? We know that we need to represent our community. We know that different
cultures or genders will help us do that. They’ll bring different perspectives. They’ll give us a more holistic view, and
therefore, a more lasting and relevant solution to a diverse client base and a diverse community,” he says.
“The same arguments hold true with generational diversity. Yes, there’s a bit of pain and a bit of challenge
and a bit of adaption needed, but if we can get that functional, thriving generational diversity, we will have a range
of age groups who therefore can connect more naturally across the different client or customer bases.
The younger generation will keep us a bit more in touch with the trends, the changes. The older generations
will bring that experience, that flexibility, and some of the broader perspectives that only come when you’ve
been through a few business cycles or been through a number of scenarios.”
In short, Baby Boomers – no matter their company rank – have to be a little flexible here, and lose the ‘that’s the
way it’s always been done’ approach, embracing instead the possibility of trying something different.
“That’s where the intergenerational workplace can work well, where we do understand the strength this generation
brings, and we do a bit more listening rather than thinking that ‘here’s how it’s going to be’,” McCrindle says.
“The older generation needs to move away from that ‘I’m the older one. I’ve got the experience. I’ll tell you how it
is’ idea. It’s taking the principal point that each generation brings strengths and unique aspects, and listening to them.
That attitude shift is the key.”


(BORN 1946 TO 1964)

Questions authority, self-centred, crusades causes

The diverse workforce | INSPIRE
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