Golf Digest South Africa — January 2018

(Tuis.) #1
think back fondly to a time when
the Nedbank Challenge was still
the Million Dollar Challenge.
Have we, the fans, lost something since those
days? Has the pursuit of the creation of
‘Africa’s Major’ robbed us of that something
special we loved back then?
For years, my friend Sean and I have
had a standing friendly bet where we take
turns picking players from the field into
two teams.A tradition normally completed
minutes before the first group tees off on
Thursday morning.Then, for four days we
watch every stroke, every putt, every oooh
and aaah, every cheer and round of applause,
until one of us has the pride for the next
12 months of being able to rub the other’s
nose in the fact that we picked last year’s
victorious team.
So what’s changed?Where have the
5-people-deep crowds lining every fairway
gone?Where are the small boys on their
fathers’ shoulders?What changed to lose
the magic?
It can’t be the host! Gary Player is one
of the greats of the game! A philanthropist,

a family man, a golfing icon and a true
gentleman.There could be no greater lure
than an invitation from such a giant to play
in the tournament.
It can’t be the reward!The prize money,
title and tour points are all more than
enough to encourage any tour pro to clear
time in his calendar to play.
So what has indeed changed? Could the
devil be in the details?
The tournament historically took place
over the first weekend in December, and the
select field brought world famous players to
our shores.The 2017 Nedbank Challenge
is a different beast. It now takes place in
November, with 72 players.A majority
are far from household names and draw
little interest.And no Americans from the
The crowds now trickle in possibly
due to the fact that many are still hard at
work in November. Few employers approve
leave at this time of year. Even the endearing
sound of the Cicadas is absent from
the atmosphere on the course, possibly they
too having preparations before summer

fully arrives.
The tournament has a distinctly
commercial feel now, with local
commentary teams being replaced with
international teams.
Has the timing of the tournament,
the large but mostly unfamiliar field of
players, and the commercial feel robbed us
of the aura it once had? Have endless waves
of televised, international sport spoilt us
to the point where we’re desperate for that
one last gem left in the sporting calendar
each year?Was this single tournament that
very gem we all loved and looked forward
to each year? Have the changes intended to
grow the tournament into Africa’s Major
merely dissolved its allure so it’s now ‘just
another event’?
I personally hope not. I live in hope
that somehow the exclusivity of an
invite from Gary Player to play in this
once great tournament again attracts the
select few who will restore the mystique
and uniqueness of this once fabulous
Steve Spence, Gauteng







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