Asian Geographic - 01.01.2018

(avery) #1

NO. 129 ISSUE 1/2018

His image of the Taong Putik Festival in the Philippines
has been selected as our Photo of the Month! The winning
Photo of the Month is published on our Postcard page in
ASIAN Geographic magazine and is also featured on our
social media pages. The Photo of the Month winner will
receive an annual subscription to the magazine.

At the Taong Putik Festival in Aliaga, Nueva Ecija, in the centre of the island of
Luzon, hundreds of Christian devotees transform themselves into taong putik (mud
people) by bathing in mud and wrapping themselves in banana leaves. The tradition
stems from a story in which Japanese soldiers were ambushed by Filipino rebels;
the soldiers ordered their execution on holy ground in their village. But at the time
of the scheduled execution, the heavens opened, and the Japanese – who saw the
downpour as an omen – decided to set the men free. Today, the community celebrates
their release by giving thanks to St John the Baptist for the miracle.

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send us a postcard
and win!
Interested in having your
photographic work recognised?*

*Note that all works should be original and available in high resolution at 300dpi. Send your best images with “Photo of the Month” in the subject line to: [email protected]

We take a look at the great scientific and technological inventions in Asia – from developments in artificial
intelligence and robotics, to biomedical engineering and bionics, and scientific inroads in renewable energy.

In our next issue...


postcard (FroM tHe pHiLippines)

Canon EOS 50D, f/6.3, 1/40s, ISO400
Free download pdf