Tae Kwon Do Times — January 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1

26 January 2018 / taekwondotimes.com

Hour by hour, between classes and during lunch breaks, it’s
easy to connect with artists from all over the world.
I’m reminded of the universal language we share and how
it transcends race, gender, creed and color. The virtual
stranger that you held in a devastating joint lock twenty
minutes ago is now laughing with you over a sandwich.
This is the collective fellowship and unity Professor Guerra
treasures and the culture UMAHoF encourages.

The tournament was held on the final day. As an artist who has
participated in many tournaments, I must say that this was one
of the best I ever attended. The event moved like clockwork
and the divisions made sense. The entry forms were simple
and the costs were fair. The trophies and medals were unique
and attractive, and regardless of your discipline, age and skill
level, you were judged impartially. In other words, no politics!
It’s easy to attribute this success to Professor Guerra and the

UMAHoF Board of Directors. It’s not their first rodeo, and
it shows. They surely know how to run a terrific tournament.
The final day also marks the induction banquet. After
being in uniform for days, I enjoyed dressing to the nines
with my fellow artists. This year, twenty-three artists were
inducted, seven were recognized, and three hard-working
youths were also recognized. Following a delicious dinner
and the ceremony, the music turned up and we were invited
to dance and continue the fellowship.

Master Erik Buenaflor (in the red shirt) of
Siete Pares Eskrima Stickfighting
brings his team from San Antonio, TX.

First place winner in
the Multi-Weapon
Stickfighting Division,
Sam Manders strikes
a pose with
Inductee Alumni
Sensei H.V. “Skip” Parr

Just a few of the Inductees:

Rick Ramirez is inducted
for Master of the Year
in Tae Kwon Do.
With GM Mike Fillmore,
Prof. Guerra and
Prof. Daryl K. Stewart

Jarrod E. Oden is
inducted for Outstanding
to Shorin Ryu Karate.
With GM Jose Luis Hinojosa,
Prof. Guerra and
Prof. Daryl K. Stewart

Steve Jimerfield is
inducted for
Law Enforcement
Seminar of the Year.
With GM Jose Luis Hinojosa,
Prof. Guerra and
Dr. Jimmy Steger

Much to his surprise,
Prof. Guerra was recognized
and awarded this stunning
belt by Hector Molina.
Molina was inducted for his
Outstanding Contributions
to International MMA. He
spoke of the collaborative
efforts with Prof. Guerra that
bridged the gap between
the U.S. and Mexico in
the world of MMA.
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