Tae Kwon Do Times — January 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1
“Master Chong’s World Class Tae Kwon Do has been an invaluable
asset to Western New York and to our hospital for over two decades,” said
Allegra C. Jaros, MBA, President, Oishei Children’s Hospital. “Th ey
have made it abundantly clear that Tae Kwon Do is more than just
building athletic skills. Th ey have taken a position of leadership in
our community and, through their dedication and eff ort, have helped
where future generations of moms, kids and infants will seek care.”

helping those in need. Even very young
children who ask for pledges are able to
understand what it means to contribute
to the care of other kids who are sick or
injured. Th ey then also get to enjoy the
celebration of breaking boards at Kicking
for Miracles. Th ey come away from
the event motivated and inspired.

Our dojang benefi ts because
Kicking For Miracles is a
tremendous student retention
event that student look forward
to every year. Th ey are more
consistent with their training
leading up to it, and they are
excited to keep training and
advancing their skills after it.
Kicking For Miracles has also brought
our schools positive name recognition
throughout the Buff alo area. We have
appeared as guests on local morning
TV and radio shows, and received
coverage of the event online, on
the evening news, as well as
print media. And of course,
Oishei Children’s Hospital
has utilized the funds to
purchase life-saving equipment,
upgrade facilities, and improve
conditions for the hundreds of
patients that they serve each year.

TKDT: What is

in the future for KFM?

GM Chong: In November of 2017, Women
& Children’s Hospital of Buff alo moved to a
brand new facility and has been renamed John

R. Oishei Children’s Hospital. We were proud
to be part of making that happen, and we
foresee running an event for many years
to come and continually improving the
experience for our students and the benefi t to
the new hospital. In addition, we know that
this event can and should be replicated
by others. We have 30 affi liated
schools, and virtually all of them
have successfully duplicated this
event in their area. I have had the
honor of speaking about Kicking
for Miracles at both national and
international masters’ gatherings.
I confi dently tell everyone, “You
owe it to your school and to your
community to do an event like this.
It doesn’t matter if you need to start
out small-just start! I believe that
this is one of the greatest ways that
Tae Kwon Do dojangs can give
back to their local community.”

TKDT: Is this attitude of
service and contribution
why your schools have
been so successful?
GM Chong: I do believe that it
is an honor and a responsibility
to teach students to the best
of our ability. My philosophy
is that the dojang should be an
environment of positive energy
and respect. Students and
their families appreciate the
personal recognition and sincere
interest that they receive when

taekwondotimes.com / January 2018 33
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