Tae Kwon Do Times — January 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1
taekwondotimes.com / January 2018 43

Pangamot Knife Disarms - Angle 3, Windowpane 1

Alejandro squares off with Greg and attacks
with a forehand Angle 3. Greg blocks with
his left hand.

Passing with his right hand, Greg
secures Alejandro’s weapon hand,
revealing Windowpane 1.

With a jarring shear to the face, Greg
splays and locks Alejandro’s arm,
a sure compromise to the elbow.

Greg steps through for an easy leg sweep. Maintaining continuous control over Alejandro’s knife hand throughout the
takedown, Greg also maintains his structure.

Greg plants his left
knee in Alejandro’s
shoulder joint.

With Alejandro’s grip
on the blade greatly
weakened and
matching his grip on
the blade...

...Greg easily peels the
weapon. He simulates
a stabbing follow-up.
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