Tae Kwon Do Times — January 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1
44 January 2018 / taekwondotimes.com

Pangamot Knife Disarms - Angle 3, Windowpane 2

Notice Greg’s grounded A-stance and
how his double-hand grip keeps the
bladed hand under control.

Alejandro squares off and attacks Greg with a forehand Angle 3. Greg blocks with his
left hand. He passes with his right hand and secures Alex’s bladed weapon hand.
This reveals Windowpane 2.

Greg sweeps his right leg back for the hip throw. Again, notice Greg’s structure; his elbows in check affording him maximum
strength and control.

He’ll keep control of the
now weapon-free hand
while simulating a
slashing follow-up.

Stepping through,
Greg plants his left
knee at the base
of the skull.

Matching his hand with
the weakest part of
Alejandro’s grip, Greg
strips the weapon.

With an easy torque to the elbow,
Greg snakes through Window-
pane 2, fixing a devastating arm
bar. Even Alejandro’s footing is
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