Tae Kwon Do Times — January 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1
more basic than that. You see, to make
your bed assumes you already got up!
But how many people struggle
just getting up on time?
So, the fi rst thing you have to do is to
simply get out of bed. When the alarm
clock goes off , don’t hit the snooze button.
Every time you hit the snooze button, you
also hit the snooze button on your life!
So, set yourself free, and make the
right choices for yourself.
You can do this. Set your goals, and look
at them every day. You owe it to yourself
to work on your goals every single day.
And should you “fall off the wagon,” as
they say, just acknowledge that you made a
mistake, and get right back on it. Making
mistakes is ok, as long as we learn from
them. Giving up after a mistake is not ok.
Telling yourself you are a failure is not ok.
You simply keep on going.
Have you ever observed a person on a surf board?
Th ey pick the tallest, scariest waves, and the
skilled few come out on top, victoriously riding
that wave. Some are unfortunate and end up
thrown down by the wave into the stormy waters.
Th is goes for every situation in
your life. Always remember:
Th e power is in you. It is your personal
choice what you do in your life.
Of course, you don’t have control over a
hurricane, for example. But you do have
control over what you do—you can
evacuate and keep everyone safe.
You don’t have control over potential
burglars, but you sure can protect
your home. And so on. You always
have a choice in any situation.
Let’s not become victims of
circumstances this year.
I repeat: do not allow yourself
to become a victim.
As martial artists we already
know this concept. We know

about physical self-defense, and we know we
can apply that to many diff erent situations.
We also need mental self-defense.
No matter what this year will bring. Perhaps
this year’s biggest resolution should be to stay
in control of your life and not let yourself
be overwhelmed by circumstances.
So, go ahead and set goals and resolutions. Let’s
not be like a boat without a sail in the big ocean
of life. Set your course and set the sails! Life is
an exciting and wonderful gift, and the more
years we add to our lives, the more we realize
that someday it will end, so cherish and celebrate
every living breath as if it were your last!

With much love
and excitement,
From my heart to your heart,
Great Grandmaster
Dr. Tae Yun Kim
Founder and Guide
Jung SuWon
Martial Art


52 January 2018 / taekwondotimes.com

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