Tae Kwon Do Times — January 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1

By Dale Miller
One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is
seeing the transformation in children, especially
those with low confi dence and self-esteem. Th at
moment when you fi nally see their confi dence
click into place and that child starts to transform
right in front of your eyes is a priceless experience
that I get to see regularly. I have seen shy,
unconfi dent children change in one lesson.
Others over the case of a few months. It’s always
an amazing thing to witness. With that in mind,
here are some of the things we do at my martial
arts classes to build up children’s confi dence.

  1. We are always positive, patient and
    encouraging. We nurture your children’s
    confi dence by looking for little wins
    initially. Are they standing well and
    listening? Are they doing a good kick
    or even just putting in good eff ort,
    despite not kicking perfectly? We start
    off with small wins, and as they progress,
    we see their confi dence grow. Our
    students usually work with us for many
    years, so we can aff ord to be patient.
    2. We correct sparingly. Unless they are doing
    something dangerous that could hurt or
    injure themselves or others, we only try to
    make one correction at a time. Before we
    correct, we try and fi nd a positive fi rst to
    soften the blow and then correct one thing.
    Once they correct that one thing, we praise
    them for it and have them practice a few
    more times before making another correction.
    Th at way, they begin to form a habit of the
    correction before moving on to another.
    3. We believe in your children before they even
    believe in themselves. We know unless there is
    a serious disability, that whatever we ask your

taekwondotimes.com / January 2018 53

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