Tae Kwon Do Times — January 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1

The Lucky Seven
By Fernan Vargas
Martial arts and combat sports can off er you a lot
of physical tools with which to defend yourself
from harm. Both, however, take alot of time and
dedication. I highly recommend that everyone
get proper instruction with a qualifi ed trainer. In
the event, however, that you cannot, for whatever
reason, I present to you a series of techniques
called the “Lucky Seven.” Th e Lucky Seven are
seven essential physical techniques that everyone
should know and become familiar with. Th ey
are the bare bones minimum that you need to
know in order to fi ght back against an attacker.

Number One: The Hammer Fist

Unless you have done years of hand conditioning
and training, you should never punch someone.
Instead, use the hand like a hammer, striking
with the bottom meaty part of the fi st. Using
the bottom of the fi st, the defender extends
the arm and swings the fi st in a circular
motion, striking with the bottom of the fi st.
Th e technique can be applied in various
directions, such as vertically, horizontally, or
diagonally, to the front and to the rear.

Number Two: The Elbow

Elbows are your big guns. Even a person of
slight stature can cause great impact by striking
with the elbows. Using the point of the elbow,
the defender extends the arm and swings into
attacker Th e technique can be applied in various
directions, such as vertically, horizontally or
diagonally, to the front and to the rear.

N umber Three: The Knee

Like elbows, knees are excellent weapons in
the close range of close combat. From point of
origin, direct your knee forcefully in a straight
line into the target. Extend your hips and pelvis
forward while slightly arching your back. Use
your arms to secure the assailant and pull them
taekwondotimes.com / January 2018 55
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