Tae Kwon Do Times — January 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1
but rather we advance forward directly into the
assailant himself. Do not pre-occupy yourself
with targets. Simply raise the Double Spike
and move forward with a drop step to transfer
your weight. Your elbows will land on diff erent
targets, depending on the height relationship of
the defender and the assailant. You may hit the
face, neck, sternum, etc. Whatever target you
hit in this fashion will have devastating results.

Late Phase: The Lift

In this instance the defender is late in raising
his guard. Th e assailant’s arm is already
reaching extension towards your head. In the
late phase we use the elbows for a “Lift.” Th e
Lift is executed by raising your elbow from
underneath your assailant’s extended arm.
Your forearm will fi nd its way underneath his
forearm. When you slide your elbow upwards
and grab the back of your neck, the motion
will lift the assailant’s arm upwards. Th is will
take the assailant’s attack offl ine with your
face. Th e attack now will simply fl ow over
your head without causing you any harm.

Number Seven: The Bite.
Bite? Yes, Bite!!
If they are close enough to hurt you, they are
close enough to get bitten. Bites are painful.
Nothing gets a person to let go of you faster
than taking a chunk out of them. Now you may
be leery of biting anyone in this age of HIV
and other blood- borne dangers, but the way I
see it is this: As a last resort, I would rather bite
someone, contract HIV and die in ten years
than die today on someone else’s terms. Also
keep in mind that the odds of biting someone
with HIV or some other disease are relatively
low. Even if you did bite them, the chances
of your contracting something from them in
this manner are even lower. So I am willing
to take a chance if my imminent survival is at
stake. Just think of it. Some thug grabs you
and pulls you close to rape you and your face
is near his? Give him a makeover. Bite into his
face for all it is worth. It will get a reaction and
give you a window of opportunity to escape.

Fernan Vargas is a
Defensive Tactics and
Hapkido instructor from
Chicago, Illinois. He is
the author of sever al
books on self-protection
and the martial arts.

Photo Models:
Martina Muresan, Antonio Calderone, George
Tellez, Adam Nunez & Manley Blackman

58 January 2018 / taekwondotimes.com

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