Tae Kwon Do Times — January 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1

To order call (319) 396-1980


Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do
Th is one of a kind encyclopedia
by Gen. Choi Hong Hi has
15 volumes consisting of 5000
pages with 30,000 photos.
Th e encyclopedia is the
culmination of General Choi’s
lifelong research into TKD’s
history and development.
Hardcover English Version.
Additional postage required.
SUPPLY! Item B014 / $375.00

Eastern Spirit,
Western Dreams
Th is 226-page memoir captures the
true hardships and joys of a small
town, South Korean farm boy,
TKDT Publisher Woojin Jung,
who lives out his American dream.
Item B038A (English) / $14.00
$7.00 Item B038B (Korean) / $14.00

Best Instructor + Best School
= Best Life!
Th is 329-page book written by
Grandmaster Woojin Jung is a
must-have for school owners,
instructors and students with
a dream. Not only a helpful
guide for new students to fi nd
the best instructor possible, this
book is also a guide for new and
established instructors and school
owners on how to successfully
manage and maintain a martial
arts business. Item B030 / $19.00

Martial Mediation: Philosophy and the
Essecnse of the Martial Arts
Th is 370 page textbook by Dr.
Daeshik Kim and Allan Back
examines the essence, distinctions
and dynamics between art, sport,
martial arts and their history
and philosophical perspectives.
Hardcover. Item B021 / $22.75

Moral Guide Book
Moarl Guide is a book created
by General Choi Hong Hi,
the founder of TKD. It is his
collection of famous sayings
by the greatest Oriental minds
of pholosophy ever; names like
Lao Zhu, Sun Tzu, Confusious
and moany other of Chinese, Japanese and
Korean decent. Quotes like “Power must
never be lent,” “Real happiness come out of a
hard life.” Paperback. Item BPP35 / $7.95

Taek wondo: Kore a n
Traditional Martial Arts:
Philosophy and Culture
Grandmaster Kyong Myong Lee,
a certifi ed WTF ninth-dan, writes
this 300-page full color, coff ee-table
sized book off ering a panoramic
overview of TKD. Item B034 / $59.95

Freestyle Sparring
Build an explosive freestyle sparring
arsenal with powerful techniques,
precise timing, and superior
tactics! Packed with valuable
sparring drills and strategies,
Freestyle Sparring provides
the tools you need to develop
and refi ne your fi ghting skills.
Paperback. Item B298 / $19.95

Taekwon-Do and I vol. 2
Th e Little Giant, Choi Hong-Hi,
created Taekwon-Do as a modern
sport and developed it as the
world-famous martial art in two
decades of devotion.
Being a founding member of the
South Korean Amred Forces,
and the foremost calligrapher
of his time, he was at the front
of the movement for Korean
Unifi cation. Th e panoramic memoir of his
life is an epic drama. Item B043 / $22.50
Free download pdf