Smith Journal — January 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1

Clockwise from top left
A handful of old
amplifiers have made
their way into the
camp, often powered by
motorcycle batteries.

The imzad, a Tuareg
instrument traditionally
made from a dried out
gourd. Here the body has
been fashioned from a
broken plastic pan.

A cloth-covered jerry can
works well as a tende
drum. Even though
water in the camp is
scarce, female musicians
save some of their
supply for moistening
the upper part, to give
the instrument a deeper

A traditional Tuareg
instrument known as
the tahardent.

Hamma Ag Awaissoune,
a guitarist in the group
Taflist (Trust). Many
Tuareg were introduced
to electric guitars while
training with Gaddafi’s
army in Libya.

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