Smith Journal — January 2018

(Greg DeLong) #1

Eric Wareheim, actor and one half of comedy duo Tim & Eric

In Roman times, Christians greeted each other by drawing fish symbols in the sand with their feet. It was a surreptitious way
of announcing who you were on the inside. Comedian Eric Wareheim feels the need for something similar. “I love me a quality
restaurant and some beautiful wine. But because of my casual dress code, I often get overlooked as a serious wine drinker.”
Wareheim admits the ‘Take Me Seriously, Pls’, a contorted take on the rock‘n’roll ‘devil’s horns’, is needlessly complicated.
But the results would be worth the effort. “In an ideal world, if you throw this down as the waiter comes and greets you, they’ll
know it means, ‘I am serious about what I put in my body. Please tell me which of your wines are natural and if you don’t know,
please get someone else to help me.’ This really will help casual dressers get by in the restaurant world.”

The Take Me Seriously,Pls
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