The Economist Asia - 20.01.2018

(Greg DeLong) #1

48 The EconomistJanuary 20th 2018

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ABOURERS building the new Midland
Metropolitan Hospital in Birmingham
got a rude shock when they arrived for
their morning shift on January 15th. They
were told to go home; they had been laid
off. Meanwhile, in Oxfordshire, the county
council was putting the fire brigade on
standby to serve school meals. Such were
just a few ofthe immediate consequences
of the collapse that morning of Carillion,
Britain’s second-largest construction firm,
with debtsof about £1bn ($1.4bn) and pen-
sion liabilities of almost as much again.
The total cost in lost jobs and business
has yet to be counted. Butanother casualty
of the company’s capsize may be the busi-
ness model that went so badly wrong
there, and which plenty of other firms in
the outsourcing industry share.
Carillion employed 43,000 people
worldwide, almost half of them in Britain.
It began as a construction company, build-
ing everything from the doughnut-shaped
headquarters ofGCHQ, Britain’s signal-in-
telligence agency, to hospitals and football
stadiums. Itlaterbegan providing all man-
ner of services for both the public and priv-
ate sectors, dishing up meals in schools,
maintaining bases for the Ministry of De-
fence, and much else. Many of its projects
were commissioned under the Private Fi-
nance Initiative (PFI), in which contractors
foot the cost of building and are repaid by
the government over several decades. Al-
most all the work that Carillion won was

the building trade. In Liverpool, for in-
stance, workers found asbestos on site and
cracks appeared in the new building. Un-
der the terms of the deals, Carillion had to
absorb the extra costs, on projects that
were barely profitable in the first place. The
company also ran into trouble in Qatar,
where it got into a dispute over a payment
of £200m that it was owed for work on the
2022 World Cup. The result was a profit
warninglast July, afterthe company admit-
ted to unexpected over-runs of £845m,
which sent the share price tumbling. Caril-
lion continued to win business, notably
from the government, which awarded it a
contract for £1.4bn of work on the HS2 rail-
way even as investors bet on the firm’s col-
lapse. But after more profit warnings, the
banks refused to lend it any more.
Public-sector tenders are supposed to
consider the quality of bids aswell as the
price, but in practice contractors have
found that “bidding at a low price is usual-
ly the best way to win,” says Peter Kitson, a
lawyer at Russell-Cooke. Companies bank
the upfront payments and hope they can
make money by charging for the extra
work that nearly always comes with infra-
structure projects. If, as happened to Caril-
lion, extra costs arise, the deal can quickly
become loss-making.
But Carillion’s management was also
culpable. The firm expanded too fast, ac-
quiring businesses that it did not under-
stand. It paid £306m for Eaga, for instance, a
supplier of green-energyproducts, only
months before the governmentcut subsi-
dies that homeowners got for installing so-
lar panels. As Carillion was failing and its
pension fund slipping into deficit (see next
story), shareholders continued to receive
dividends and the firm’s boss trousered a
£1.5m pay package. Even the Institute of Di-
rectors, a business lobby, condemned Ca-
rillion’s board for rewriting company rules

outsourced to subcontractors, who would
often sub-subcontract it in turn.
The platoons of small firms that did
most of Carillion’s work will thus be most
affected by its demise. Rudi Klein, head of
the Specialist Engineering Contractors’
Group, representing thousands of engi-
neering firms, estimates that Carillion
owed about £2bn to 30,000 or so firms.
That does not include the unknown cost of
retentions, the cash that Carillion was
holding back until companies had finished
the job. Many will never get their money,
damaging Britain’s slender supply chain.
At least the government has stepped in to
protect those doing public-sector work; Ca-
rillion had about 450 government con-
tracts, constituting about a third of the
company’s revenues in 2016.
But it was this work that contributed to
Carillion’s undoing, highlighting the basic
flaw in its business model. Construction is
a perilously low-margin business to begin
with. To expand the business and keep
enough cash rolling in to pay creditors and
shareholders, Carillion’s bosses bid ever
more aggressively for public-sector con-
tracts, especially in the wake of the finan-
cial crash in 2008, when such work was
scarce. That is when three big deals were
signed that have gone sour: to build hospi-
tals in Liverpool and Birmingham, togeth-
er worth £685m, and for a share in a £550m
roadbuilding contract in Aberdeen.
All three projects hit snags common to

The collapse of Carillion

Cleaned out

The mega-contractor’s demise reveals an outsourcing model in need of a revamp


Also in this section

49 The tabloid Guardian

49 Carillion’s pensions

50 Bagehot: The special relationship
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