The Grocer – 13 January 2018

(Jacob Rumans) #1

focus on... jams & spreads

52 | The Grocer | 13 January 2018 Get the full story at

is and with the explosion of posting images
and recipes on Instagram, we see how our
exciting brand packaging and design plus
quality product lend itself to this really well.”
As noted by IRI’s Wood, premium pre-
serve brands are performing better than their
peers. Bonne Maman’s value has inched up
0.6% on volumes that have sunk 6.1%, a feat
the brand puts partly down to the introduc-
tion of a Mirabelle Plum Conserve last sum-
mer, claiming overall sales have grown in
double digits in the past 12 weeks both in
value and volume.
With costs continuing to rise, other play-
ers are looking to premiumise and promote
jam & marmalade outside breakfast. Duerr’s
has introduced a new ‘globe’ shaped jar and,
like its counterparts in honey and peanut but-
ter, is marketing its conserves as a cooking
ingredient. “We’ve developed new recipes
to inspire consumers to do di erent things
with their jar of Duerr’s. These include a
chicken traybake using our Fine Cut Seville
Marmalade as a glaze, a spinach pancetta
and pecorino salad with a marmalade dress-
ing, and a variety of cakes and biscuits.”
The enduring popularity of home baking
is an attractive opportunity, say others. “To
counter declining breakfast sales, we have
promoted other opportunities, particularly
in conjunction with the home baking phe-
nomenon,” says Emma Macdonald, founder
of The Bay Tree preserves brand. ”
Nevertheless, most players in preserves
concede their core consumers tend to be
longer in the tooth than those driving the
explosive growth in peanut butter and other
on-trend spreads. They contend that the
development of exciting new products tap-
ping current culinary trends will be crucial
in addressing this issue.
“Many consumers are excited by inno-
vation ,” says Macdonald, pointing to the
recent launches of jam/marmalade fusion
range Marmajams and a lemon & elder ower
curd. Bay Tree has also launched boozy brand
extensions  g, rum & vanilla jam and lemon
marmalade with gin & lime (see p51) to tap the
growth in cocktail culture and cra spirits.
Such developments suggest jams & mar-
malades could begin to capitalise on the culi-
nary trends that inspired the Whole Earth nut
butter fondue bar or Nutella Café. Could we be
seeing a cra marmalade café or jam cocktail
bar opening up in Shoreditch?

“ To counter the decline in

breakfast we have
promoted opportunities

such as home baking”

The PR team for the world’s
biggest chocolate spread
has been busy.
Last January, it stepped
in to reassure consumers
Nutella was safe to eat
a er an EFSA report
linked processed palm oil

  • a key ingredient in the
    spread – to cancer. Then,
    in November, it conceded
    it had tweaked its recipe in
    Germany (but not upped
    sugar content, as was
    claimed) and raised prices
    in the UK as a result of
    mounting cost pressures.
    Yet it’s still Britain’s
    bestselling spread and
    maintaining volume
    growth, with an extra
    40,000 kilos (0.4%) of the
    stu shi ed as value has
    dipped 1.1% [IRI 52 w/e 14
    October 2017]. What’s more,

the brand’s latest foray into
snacking, Nutella B-Ready,
is going great guns,
having racked up £1.6m
in its  rst few months on
shelf [Nielsen 52 w/e 9
“Nutella cleverly
communicates nut
goodness while giving all
the taste and enjoyment
of chocolate,” says
Laurie O er, marketing
& development director
at branding agency
Cowan. “Its Instagram
feed is packed with
tasty recipes and bright

food photography.
They’ve clearly put a
lot of investment into
diversifying the product as
a cooking ingredient.”
This is a global initiative
by brand owner Ferrero,
which opened the doors
of the world’s  rst Nutella
Café in Chicago in May.
The venue boasts a menu
crammed with dishes
slathered with Nutella or
made using the spread,
ranging from gelato and
pancakes to wa es and
The brand can’t a ord
to take its foot o the
gas, however. Just £501k
separated Nutella and
number two spread brand
Rowse Honey in IRI’s
bestsellers list as of the
year to 14 October. And
now, with brands such
as Meridian and Pip &
Nut having launched
chocolate and nut butter
blends to compete with
Nutella, the spread is
facing unprecedented


de es PR

storm with

sales growth

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