Cycling Weekly — January 11, 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1

Last laugh

[email protected]



The Doc’s home improvement plan

comprises an opulent bicycle storage

facility and a new toilet-roll holder

t is often worryingly
easy to identify a cyclist’s
house. Gate hanging off
its hinges, grass up to windowsill
level, fl aking paint, and a bike
rider outside with a bike on a
workstand, replacing all the alloy
bottle-cage bolts with titanium and
regreasing the pedal bearings for
the third time this month.
It is a question of priorities, and
it’s not the fi rst time I’ve pointed
this out. However, the opposite
of classic cyclist’s DIY-phobia is
much, much worse.
I shall explain. My house is
a wreck. It was a wreck when
I bought it. I liked that I wasn’t
paying good money for any sort
of cosmetic quality that I knew
I’d never maintain. It was already
in the sort of shape that I’d drag
it down to. But then one day last
year I decided that we needed

a new toilet-roll holder. This
escalated into a new bathroom,
and then into moving the
bathroom upstairs, and fi nally into
a complete rebuild. I’d suddenly
crossed from something akin to
housework to something akin to
Grand Designs. And I have to say it
felt rather good.

Kindred spirits
I told Mrs. Doc that I would take
the matter in hand. I engaged
an architect. The architect and I
engaged a builder. And, as luck
would have it, all three of us were,
to at least some extent, cyclists.
“I’ll need somewhere to keep
bikes,” I told them.
“Of course,” said the architect.
“How many bikes do you have?”
“Fourteen,” I said.
“And I imagine you’ll need space
for the collection to grow from
there?” he said, and I realised I
was dealing with a kindred spirit.
And so a bike store was
designed. It is to have an electric
door so that I can open it as I
ride up the drive. It includes
under-fl oor heating to keep the
temperature stable, along with
bespoke racking, ground anchors,
and LED lighting.
There will be a workshop
as well, with two permanent
workstands, as well as a bike-
wash area.
“Maybe,” said the builder, “we
should include some decking
outside the workshop, so that
you could work on bikes in the
sunshine? The workshop faces
south, so if we just put it by the
door it would be perfect.”
Perfect was the word. This was

nothing less than semi-detached
cycling heaven.

All about the bike
I’ll be honest, I probably didn’t
prepare for my discussions about
the designs with Mrs. Doc as
thoroughly as I might.
“Isn’t it brilliant?” I said.
“Isn’t there a kitchen?” said
Mrs. Doc.
“It’s, um, it’s right here where it
always has been,” I said.
“So let me get this clear,” said
Mrs. Doc (this phrase isn’t really
about establishing clarity, it’s more
like a domestic air-raid warning
siren). “The bikes get under-fl oor
heating, LED lighting, automatic
doors, a custom-built wet room

The Doc never tyres
of fettling with
his fleet

Dear Doc, I’m emailing from Tenerife, where I’m on a
winter break with my brother.
He brought his bike, since for him no holiday is
complete without it. And the cursing that echoed through
our rented apartment when he unpacked his bike and his
kit and realised he’d left his cycling shoes on the bed back
at home was quite something to witness.
So we spent the fi rst day of the holiday looking for a
bike shop at which he could buy a replacement pair of
shoes, and then looking for another one where he could
buy a pair of cleats.
I have to tell you that the cursing I heard on day one
was as nothing compared to the cursing that occurred
on day two when he remembered that neatly tucked
inside his shoes back home were his pedals.
Anon, email

60 | January 11, 2018 | Cycling Weekly

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