Fulham FC — Fulham v Southampton — 6 January 2018

(Barry) #1
3434 TheThe Official Official Fulham FC Matchday Programme Fulham FC Matchday Programme

The EX-Files



Born: 26.09.1972

Nationality: Welsh

Years At SFC: 1995-1997

League Apps: 55 | League Goals: 0

Years At FFC: 1997-2001

League Apps: 29 | League Goals: 2


n the late 90s, Division Two

Fulham were anything but

‘plucky’. Mohamed Al Fayed was

bankrolling a flurry of seven-figure

purchases that tempted Premier League-

calibre players to the Cottage. Alan

Neilson was one of the players to drop

down the leagues to join the revolution

in SW6. And he was let in on the Whites’

interest by a close pal.

“I’m really good friends with Maik

Taylor, who moved to Fulham a couple

of weeks before me,” Alan recalls. “We

have a really good relationship; we were

at Southampton at the same time and we

were neighbours.”

Our keeper wasn’t Alan’s only link to

his new club. “Kevin Keegan sold me

from Newcastle to Southampton and was

director of operations at Fulham when

I came to the Club,” continues Alan. “He

knew what I was about and knew I’d be

the right fit. The players already here

were superb; Chris Coleman, Kit Symons,

Maik. The Club’s plan worked - we went

from Division Two to the Premier League

in the four-and-a-half years I was there.”

At the turn of 1999 Fulham were drawn

away at today’s visitors Southampton in

the FA Cup. The teams had already met

a couple of months earlier, when Dirk

Lehmann sent the Premier League side

Drew Heatley catches up with a former Whites player with a link to

today’s opponents. This afternoon, ex-Whites and Southampton defender

Alan Neilson remembers Fulham’s FA Cup giant-killing in 1999...

were superb; Chris Coleman, Kit Symons,

Maik. The Club’s plan worked - we went

from Division Two to the Premier League

in the four-and-a-half years I was there.”

At the turn of 1999 Fulham were drawn

away at today’s visitors Southampton in

the FA Cup. The teams had already met

a couple of months earlier, when Dirk

Lehmann sent the Premier League side

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