Golf Asia — January 2018

(sharon) #1

On Saturday teams were divided
into two pairs to play the final golf
round as a Better Ball Stableford
competition. Team DOUBLE EAGLE
from Hong Kong (Mui Kin, Chen Chun
An, Ng Chuen Chi Albert, Lee Kai Yuen)
emerged as the Champions with a total
score of 139 stableford points and also
won the prize for the best team name.
Closely following them as 1st Runners
Up was team MUMBARADO from
India (Akshay Kilachand, Sanjai Ruia,
Ajit Agarkar, Matthew Martin) and just

behind them as 2nd Runners Up was
team EAGLE from Singapore (Tay Hwee
Boon, Goh Kui Hwa, Tony Peh, Angelia
Lim). Jeff Goh won the Straightest Drive
and Closest to Pin on the first day while
Ajit Agarkar hit the Longest Drive. On
the final day the Straightest Drive was
won by Kenneth Lam, Closest to the Pin
by Thomas Leow and Akshay Kilachand
hit the Longest Drive.
Top Citibank management
functionaries including Sergio Zanatti

  • Managing Director Regional Head

of Cards & Loans, APAC & EMEA, and
Surabhi Agarwal - Senior Vice-President
Regional Cards, APAC & EMEA at Citi
were present to welcome and inter-act
with the participants.
Executed flawlessly, the event was a
resounding success and culminated with
the gala Prize Distribution dinner at which
Lum Choong Yu – Managing Director
Head of Cards & Unsecured Lending
Hong Kong and Sandeep Batra –
Director Head of Cards & Loans Thailand
presented the Prizes to the winners.

Champion Team (Albert Ng Chuen Chi, Mui Kin, Lee Kai Yue,
Chen Chun An) from Hong Kong with Citibank and Apexlynx officials

1st Runner Up Team (Matthew Martin, Ajit Agarkar,
Akshay Kilachand, Sanjai Ruia) from India with Lum Choong Yu

2nd Runner Up Team (Tay Hwee Boon, Goh Kui Hwa,
Angelia Lim, Tony Peh) from Singapore with Lum Choong Yu

Sandeep Batra-Director
Head of Cards & Loans
Thailand presenting
Straightest Drive
Trophy to Jeff Goh

Surabhi Agarwal
Senior Vice-President
Regional Cards,

Sergio Zanatti
Managing Director
Regional Head of
Cards & Loans,

Lum Choong Yu
Managing Director
Head of Cards &
Unsecured Lending
Hong Kong
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