Golf Asia — January 2018

(sharon) #1



And looking forward to a period of exciting growth in the 2018 season

A Successful Finish To 2017!



’m writing to you now from Xiamen
where we just finished the Asian
Golf Championship. This was
our first event in China in nine years!
Overall, the tournament was a huge
success. The China Golf Association
(CGA), our promoter partner China
Golf Dragons, the government officials
and of course our members were all
delighted with the Asian Tour’s return
to China. We’ve now set the stage to
expand our presence in this vitally
important market for the years ahead.
This is a tremendous step forward for
the Asian Tour and our players.
2017 was particularly fulfilling for
the Asian Tour based on the positive
growth of our schedule, steps we
took to strengthen the organization
and important partnerships we added
including the R&A affiliate membership
and creation of the Panasonic Swing.
The ambition for next season is to
have a minimum of 33 tournaments on
the main Tour, which would surpass
the Asian Tour’s previous high of 32
events back in 2008. We will have at
least six new tournaments in 2018,
two events added in Korea, the New
Zealand Open, the Philippine Golf
Championship and a minimum of two
tournaments confirmed in China, with
a few more likely to materialize as
we’ve got two extra weeks blocked on
the CGA calendar.
For the Asian Development Tour,
we have planned a minimum of 22
tournaments in 2018. This will be at
least two more compared to 2017’s
total of 20 events. 10 to 12 events will
be played in Malaysia, four in Thailand,
two in Taiwan and two in Indonesia.

Bowen Xiao, Asian Golf
Championship 2017 winner
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