Golf Asia — January 2018

(sharon) #1



like a crack had appeared in the wall of
hype that surrounds every new product
launch by the famous golf brands.
All that big name endorsement doesn’t
come cheap. Titleist, Nike, Adidas and
the other mega brands spend fortunes
on advertising and player contracts. This
effectively creates a barrier to entry for
smaller companies who can’t afford to pay
the likes of DJ, Rory and Jordan to speak
on their behalf. Acushnet’s response to the
Costco story was to file a lawsuit, accusing
Costco of infringing on 11 patents and
engaging in false advertising.
According to the business news site
Quartz, in 2015 Acushnet sued five small
golf-ball makers. The co-founder of one of
these companies said under guarantee of

anonymity, “We weren’t infringing. But we
couldn’t afford to fight the case.” Instead,
his company settled the 2015 claims with
Acushnet by agreeing to get out of the golf
ball business altogether. But Costco is not
a small start-up; it’s a big, powerful player
in its own market. So Costco’s lawyers
responded to Acushnet in kind by saying
it had done nothing wrong and that the
company had never publicly compared
the Kirkland ball to Titleist’s product. This
has kept the lawyers busy as they dance
around the topic of what is and what isn’t
Acushnet’s intellectual property.
Yet Costco’s foray into the ball market
seems limited not because of legal threat
but production capability. When the
demand for the Kirkland ball started to

spiral, Costco’s supplier, Nassau Golf,
couldn’t make enough of them at the low
price that made them attractive in the first
place. The irony is that golfers are now
buying old batches of Kirkland balls on
eBay for about the same price as a new
box of Titleist Pro V1xs.

A further challenge to the Pro V1
supremacy came at the official press
conference before this year’s Player’s
Championship at Sawgrass. The source of
the attack came not from a rival ball maker
but from one of the most famous golfers
in the world, who had grown up hitting Pro
V1s around his home club, Portrush.
“I wasn’t really happy with the golf



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