The Economist Asia - 27.01.2018

(Grace) #1
The EconomistJanuary 27th 2018 Business 57


MAGINE wanting to sue your employer,
because you have been harassed or dis-
criminated against, only to find that your
access to the courts is blocked. It turns out
you signed away your right to use the judi-
cial system when you started the job:
somewhere, hidden in the documents that
came with your employment contract,
was a clause obliging you to resolve future
disputesthrough private arbitration, rather
than in court.
An increasing number of American em-
ployees find themselves in this situation.
Over half of non-unionised employees are
covered by arbitration requirements, esti-
mates Alexander Colvin of Cornell Uni-
versity, based on a survey in 2017 of 627
private-sector workplaces. Such agree-
ments have come under greater scrutiny
after the wave of workplace sexual-harass-
ment revelationslast year. Gretchen Carl-
son, a former news anchor for Fox, a broad-
caster, has called arbitration “the
harasser’s best friend”. Prevented by an ar-
bitration clause from suingthe network,
Ms Carlson sued her boss and alleged ha-
rasser, RogerAiles, instead.
Arbitration was originally designed for
commercial disputes. It has also become a
common feature of consumer services:
Airbnb’s terms of use include them, as do
mobile-phone contracts. But such clauses
increasingly show up in employment con-
tracts, too. Back in the early 1990s, only
around 2% of non-unionised workplaces
used arbitration for employment disputes,
says Mr Colvin. A number of Supreme
Court rulings since then have encouraged
its broader adoption.
The main advantage of arbitration,
compared with litigating in court, is speed:
a decision is reached, on average, a year be-
fore one is made in court. Instead of com-
plicated legal procedures, the parties in-
volved call in a neutral third person, often
an expert in the industry. The arbitrator lis-
tens to the evidence and makes a decision,
which is binding in most cases.
The popularity of arbitration is a sign of
how very costly and technical the courts
have become, says Andrew Pincus, a
partner at Mayer Brown, a law firm, who
advises companies on such procedures.
Signing up to arbitration in advance, he ar-
gues, does away with jockeying for legal
advantage over where the case is best
heard, which almost always keeps the par-
ties from settling. And it allows employees
to make claims that would be too small to

justify a suit in court.
Others argue that arbitration is ill-
suited to employment disputes. In many
cases, it and its terms are in effect imposed
on employees, says Imre Szalai of Loyola
University in New Orleans. New recruits
may not look at the small print, or think it
will ever apply to them. “It is a fantasy of
consent, rather than the real thing,” says
Katherine Stone at University of Califor-
nia, Los Angeles.
Another concern is that the process of
arbitration favours employers. They often
pick the firm of arbitrators. And individual
arbitrators are more likely to encounter the
employer than the employee in future
cases. Both features may lead the arbitrator
to be unconsciously biased towards the
employer, says Victoria Pynchon, a former
arbitrator with the American Arbitration
Association (AAA), who now runs She Ne-
gotiates, a training and consulting firm.
In some cases, biases are explicit. Ms
Pynchon was warned at the start of her ca-
reer that awarding punitive damages
against employers could mean she would
never arbitrate another case. Large arbitra-
tion groups, such as the AAA,do have
codes of conductthat prohibit such partial-
ity. But Mr Szalai, of Loyola University,
questions whether these counteract im-
plicit biases.
Unsurprisingly, perhaps, recent studies
suggest that outcomes and payouts in arbi-
tration are, on average, significantly less
generous to employees than those made in

court, says Mr Colvin. But comparing arbi-
tration and court cases is not easy: the
terms of arbitration can vary widely, mak-
ing generalising across them difficult.
Another criticism of arbitration agree-
ments, voiced by Ms Carlson, the news an-
chor, is that they silence victims. Often the
proceedingshave confidentiality clauses
attached that prevent the employee from
speaking about the case, thereby protect-
ing repeat offenders. Paula Brantner of
Workplace Fairness, an employee-rights
charity, contends that, without the threat
of litigation and the negative publicity it
brings, companies have less of an incen-
tive to root out bad behaviour.
In the wake of the #MeToo movement,
legislators are now takingaim at arbitra-
tion in harassment cases. A draft bill ban-
ning mandatory arbitration in such cases
was introduced in Congress last month.
Supporters are cheered by the fact that the
bill’s sponsors span both sides of the aisle.
But lobbyists warn that its broad wording
could be construed as banning arbitration
in all workplace disputes. Previous such
proposals have never got off the ground.
Indeed, arbitration’s scope could wid-
en further. One open question is whether
firms can ban employees who are subject
to mandatory-arbitration clauses from fil-
ing class-action suits. The USChamber of
Commerce says such a ban is essential to
avoid needless claims. The Supreme Court
is due to rule before June on whether that
would violate labourrights.
Such a prohibition has already been ap-
proved by Congress in the case of arbitra-
tion in consumer contracts (reversing a de-
cision by the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau). Firms may even start
slipping arbitration clauses into IPOdocu-
ments, after Michael Piwowar ofthe Secu-
rities and Exchange Commission wel-
comed the idea in a speech last year. The
courtrooms may yet get emptier. 7

Arbitration agreements in America

Kept out of the courthouse

Bosses who behave badly are being shielded by contractual small print




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