HR Asia — January 2018

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

robots is to observe how you react when
employees don't behave according to the
instructions they received in the training.
If training doesn't work, do you train the
same employees the same way, hoping
that things will be different this time?
And do you write off the employees as
"un-trainable" and ignore them when the
second training session fails?
Now let me move your attention to
a more infl uential aspect of how training
works. As the basic view is linear and
one-dimensional, this more advanced view
of training centers around the concept that
there are a lot of items that interact with
the training event, that either bring about
or prevent the intended company benefi ts.
Briefl y stated, you can summari]e this
more sophisticated view as follows:

Trainee Attendance >> Trainee
Learning >> Workplace Behavior >>
Business Results

Note that with this view, there are a greater
number of steps along the way, beginning
with training program attendance, to
attaining the desired business results.
Additional steps mean there is a greater
chance for training to fail even beyond the
trainee's own shortcomings.
Let's consider these additional steps.
After learning the material at the training
event, it is even more important for the
trainee to actually apply the new knowledge
and skills. In order for this to happen, the
training program must be well thought out
and handled properly. Complete agreement
as well as a clear statement must be made
about the business and learning goals.
The program should allow the trainees
many chances to practice, gain helpful
feedback, etc. Acknowledge that there is
no guarantee with the learning. If results
are what you desire, make sure that only
professionals are involved in putting
together and delivering the program.

First and foremost, you should
observe that this step entails mitigating
factors that go into determining how much
your workers will learn. The trainee's
ability and motivation are some of the
factors. Playing the employees' manager
part is very important. You have to be sure
that only those with the proper credentials
attend the training session. Furthermore,
you will need to perform a few tasks prior
to and throughout the training to make
certain that your employees are motivated
and remain enthusiastic to be trained.
Next, the trainee is able to put
into practice the knowledge they
have gained. Training will fall short if
attendees don't modify their behavior
benefi cially when they are back at
work. There are several things that can
lessen or increase learning. Your role
as a manager is very important in this
case. The highest priority for you is to
make certain that back on the job, your
employees have plenty of opportunities
to implement their new skills. Where
you've made these opportunities
available, you'll need to ensure that a
coach is accessible to them who will
help them get past the initial diffi culties
they encounter and that you give ample
feedback concerning their performance.
Additional tasks you will need to
perform are: setting goals that are mutually
agreed upon, defi ning Mob responsibilities
and rewarding employees who do things
correctly and accomplish results. As none
of these critical elements are automatic,
work diligently with the trainer as well
as your employees to make certain
that the trainees have the correct work
environment to utilize their new skills.
The fi nal step will include turning
the new behaviors into wanted business
results. You might assume that since
your workers fi nished the training and
implemented it at work, this fi nal step is a
given. This is not the case. Other things

might prevent or lessen the results you
want. For instance, there may not be a
decrease in customer complaints following
the training of customer service personnel
due to the recent release of a highly
defective new product by your product
department. Looking at the bigger picture
could be crucial too.
For example, when tariffs
are simultaneously lowered by the
government, the desired increase in sales
may not come to fruition.
The worst thing that can happen is
that you fi nd out the training program was
not the right answer to start with. While it
is possible to train individuals to perform
quality inspection, it is far less costly and
time consuming to prevent the defects
than inspect to fi nd them. So, work in close
collaboration with the training program
designers from the outset to ensure that
the training program you come up with
really will solve your problem.
The more powerful view of training,
as you can discern, scrutinizes the
aspects that can either bar or greatly lower
the great business results you wanted.
This way of looking at things serves to
make you focus on each of the important
steps required to achieve results in your
business, rather than employees simply
attending the training program. One key
thing to take from adopting this view of
how training works is that, as a manager,
you will need to partner with your
employees and the people who design
and roll out the training if you want your
program to have any chance at success.
There is a lot more that can be
said about how the promotion of this
partnership can take advantage of proper
factors at each step to form more useful
training programs. I have achieved my
objective if you can go on from here
and understand that your success as a
manager depends on your choosing the
right view of how training works.


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