The Economist Asia - 03.02.2018

(singke) #1
The EconomistFebruary 3rd 2018 17

Letters are welcome and should be
addressed to the Editor at
The Economist, The Adelphi Building,
1-11 John Adam Street,
London WC2N 6HT
E-mail: [email protected]
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More public scrutiny, please

The collapse of Carillion raises
questions about how Britain
can get better at contracting
public services to the private
sector (“Cleaned out”, January
20th). The scramble across
government to understand its
exposure to the company
shows that Britain needs much
better data that is open to the
public on the full procurement
process, from the planning of
contracts to their fulfilment.
The existing data are sur-
prisingly poor. An analysis of
publicly available information
by my organisation and by
Open Opps, an open-data
startup, found deals with 208
buyers across the public sector
since 2011. But we could only
confirm the details of less than
half of the 450 contracts report-
ed by the government. Com-
pare that with other countries,
where a single register of con-
tracts exists and the exposure
and diversity of public markets
can be monitored in real time.
There is strong evidence that
open data and contract regis-
ters are great for encouraging
smaller firms to put in bids.
Executive director
Open Contracting Partnership

The donkey market

China’sejiaoindustry, which
uses a gelatine taken from
donkey skins in traditional
medicines, is putting the don-
key populations of other coun-
tries at risk, too (“Tusks, skins
and waste recycling”, January
6th). Demand for their skin has
led to a dramatic fall in the
number of donkeys in India,
Kyrgyzstan, Botswana and
Mongolia. The ejiaoindustry is
puttingsubstantial financial

resources into the develop-
ment of donkey-breeding
farms in China so that it
doesn’t have to rely on middle-
men scouring the earth for raw
materials. However, donkeys
breed at a pace not conducive
to neither speed (12-month
gestation) nor efficiency (high
levels of miscarriages when
bred intensively).
Until these hurdles are
overcome, if they ever can be,
then the vast majority of the
4.8m donkeysslaughtered
each year for the production of
ejiaowill continue to be
sourced from countries where
they provide a sustainable
living for millions of vulner-
able communities and fam-
ilies. As the initial supply of
readily available or “spare”
donkeys diminishes, so too the
instances and threat of donkey
theft increase.
Prices for donkeys have
rocketed, up by 300% in Kenya
alone last year, reflecting an
unrelenting demand. China is
in effect aiding an overseas
industry that is already making
extraordinary profits by cut-
ting the import duty on don-
key skin. This helping hand
from China will result in even
more poaching and slaughter
of an animal that supports and
sustains some of the world’s
poorest people.
Chief executive officer
Donkey Sanctuary
Sidmouth, Devon

A smart phone policy

You are far too blasé about the
benefits of restricting
teenagers’ use of mobile
phones (“Teens and screens”,
January 13th). I teach at a one-
year boarding school for 10th-
graders. The students are by
definition “out of the house”,
away from their parents. They
are with other children all the
time since they share bed-
rooms. This year we brought in
a policy that bans mobile
phones before 6pm and
severely restricts them there-
after. It was introduced after
last year’s cohort were asked
what could have improved
their stay at the school, and has
proved to be very popular.
This year’s students say they

are happier and less stressed
because of it, and have rejected
calls to have it eased. In a
nutshell, restriction works.
That still leaves computer
screens and what to do about
them. But, hey, Rome wasn’t
built in a day.
Haarby, Denmark

Not-so-strict constructionists

The assessment in “Full-court
press” (January 13th) that
Republicans favour originalist
and textualist judges—as
opposed to the activist kind—is
largely correct, but that has not
always been the case. An
activist constitutionalist phi-
losophy is not necessarily
married to a particular politi-
cal ideology. In a series of cases
typified byLochner v New York
in 1905, which held that limits
on working hours were uncon-
stitutional, a constitutionally
activist, butpolitically conser-
vative, Supreme Court aban-
doned textual and original
meaning in order to strike
down progressive economic
regulations. This was based on
an unwritten principle of
“freedom of contract”. Activist
rulings resulting in liberal
political outcomes, and, con-
versely, deferential rulings
favouring conservative poli-
cies, are based on recent politi-
cal alignments. The opposite
formula has held in the past.

Creative ad destruction

A central assumption in
Schumpeter’s back-of-the-
envelope calculation in order
for American advertising
revenues to reach 1.8% ofGDP
(January 20th) is that all ad-
vertising firms will achieve the
growth rates implicit in their
valuations. This is unlikely, as
Schumpeterian forces have
proven again and again. Surely
many firms will not succeed in
the long run and only a select
few will live up to their pro-
mise. But then, isn’t selling
plausible, rather than prob-
able, promises what advertis-
ing is all about?

An aid for hearing

Your Technology Quarterly on
brain-computer interfaces
mentioned that cochlear
implants “convert sound into
electrical signals and send
them into the brain” (January
6th). Not quite. It isthe cochle-
ar-implant’s processor, an
external self-contained device,
that converts sound to electri-
cal signals which it transmits
by induction through the skin
of the skull to the implant,
which then feeds the signals to
the auditory nerves.
My wife’s processor is held
to her head by a magnet which
is glued to her skull beneath
her skin. She does not wear the
processor at night, which has a
side benefit. Without it she
cannot hear me snore.
West Brandywine, Pennsylvania

Scots are more studious

It is perhaps emblematic that
David Willetts’s “A University
Education” considersonly the
state of English colleges in
Britain (“Three years and
score”, January 6th). You noted
his observation thatEngland
gained its third university only
in 1829. By this time, however,
there were already four univer-
sities in much less populous
Scotland: St Andrews (1410),
Glasgow (1451), Aberdeen
(1495) and Edinburgh (1582).
Ireland, then a part of the
United Kingdom, had Trinity
College (1592).
Scottish universities had
much to be said for them. In
1746, when Adam Smith left
my old college, Balliol, to
return to Scotland, he is reput-
ed to have said that it was to
pursue “less drinking and
more thinking”.
Professor of economics and
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina 7


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