The Economist Asia - 03.02.2018

(singke) #1
The EconomistFebruary 3rd 2018 5

Daily analysis and opinion to
supplement the print edition, plus
audio and video, and a daily chart
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Print edition: available online by
7pm London time each Thursday
Audio edition:available online
to download each Friday

The Economist online

Volume 426 Number 9077

Published since September 1843
to take part in "a severe contest between
intelligence, which presses forward, and
an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing
our progress."

Editorial offices in London and also:
Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo, Chicago, Madrid,
Mexico City, Moscow, Mumbai, Nairobi, New Delhi,
New York, Paris, San Francisco, São Paulo, Seoul,
Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo, Washington DC

Contents continues overleaf



Theresa MayBritain must hang
on to its inadequate prime
minister: leader, page 12.
She is under fire from all sides,
page 48. The prime minister’s
awkward visit to China shows
Britain’s weakened clout,
page 49. An eccentric
backbencher has become one
of Britain’s most important
politicians: Bagehot, page 50

On the cover
A digital revolution in health
care is coming. Welcome it:
leader, page 11. The world’s
biggest technology firms are
poised to transform health
care. That could mean
empowered patients, better
diagnoses and lower costs,
page 53. Regulated health
apps are starting to compete
with conventional drugs,
page 55

8 The world this week

11 Digital health
Doctor You
12 Monetary policy
Changing of the guard
12 Theresa May
Intolerable but unsackable
13 European populism
Threat and opportunity
14 University degrees
An academic arms race

17 On Carillion, donkeys,
teenagers, courts,
advertising, the brain,

18 European populism
A dangerous waltz

21 South Korea and China
Setting a new course
22 The Afghan conflict
Terror in Kabul
24 Wages in Japan
Payday mender
24 Dangdut music
Indonesia’s country
25 Thai politics
Go beset a watchman
26 Banyan
The Philippine constitution

27 Pyramid schemes
A hydra-headed scourge

United States
29 The 45th president
Miller light
30 The original DREAMer
A 17-year wait
31 Institutional warfare
31 Human rights
Narrative violation
32 Earthquake preparedness
Ten percent
33 Oklahoma’s schools
Five into four
34 Lexington
The last of the moderates

The Americas
35 Human rights
A court makes waves
36 The Super Bowl in Canada
Let dachshunds stampede
36 Costa Rica’s elections
The Iowa of the isthmus
38 Bello
The friendly dragon

Middle East and Africa
39 Mali’s insurgency
Quicksand in the Sahel
40 Abortion in South Africa
Still in the backstreets
40 Nigerian politics
Buhari’s next campaign
41 Jihadist chick lit
How to please your man
41 Africans in Israel
Let my people stay
42 Disintegrating Yemen
Anarchy beckons

43 Turkey and NATO
An unhappy marriage
44 Italy
Demolition man
45 Sanctions on Russia
Copy and paste
45 Drugs policy in Germany
Still not high
46 Russia’s church
Orthodox business
47 Charlemagne
The Minniti method

48 The Brexit talks
A sea of troubles
49 Women’s suffrage
A century of voting
49 Theresa May in China
Macartney’s heir
50 Bagehot
The pinstriped populist

51 Higher education
All must have degrees

European populistsWhat to
learn from them: leader,
page 13. Populist parties are
becoming more intertwined
with the mainstream, page 18

The value of a degree As
higher education expands,
returns are falling. School-
leavers need other options:
leader, page 14. Going to
university is more important
than ever for young people.
But the financial returns are
falling, page 51
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