Open Magazine — February 14, 2018

(C. Jardin) #1
78 12 february 2018

ay six. Wake up
with sore throat. inevi-
table. This is the Jaipur
Literature Festival
(JLF), where beautiful
things are happening in
beautiful locations, but
everything is outdoors.
Cosying up to garden
heaters will only take
you so far.
Last night at
the Writer’s Ball in Jai Mahal Palace, sat at a table next to an
especially lovely garden heater. Overheard—male writer to
female writer: “Do they make cocktails at the whisky counter?”
answer: “No. The waiters don’t have the body language for
cocktails. safer to get a single malt on the rocks.” Meanwhile, on
the other side of the table, boondi dessert is deeply praised.
Final party always has something funereal about it. Many of
the writers have flown the coop. Only a few remain to bear wit-
ness. Central chat of the evening is about the festival’s closing
debate, ‘Hashtag Me Too: Do Men still Have it too easy?’ Most
agree with Bee Rowlatt. Debate could have been closed with
two golden words: ‘Uh, duh!’ side argument about fake male

feminists takes on whirlpool dimensions. Namita Gokhale,
co-director of JLF, says that her most memorable moment of
this year’s edition was to hear so many women ask questions
after the debate. Vani Tripathi Tikoo compares Namita Gokhale
to an orchestra conductor who makes sure every string is tuned
to perfection. Music is everywhere.
Conversation on gender politics flags and settles on Rupi
kaur. Up and Coming Bombay author says he spotted Rupi do-
ing Treadmill yoga at the Marriott. “Wait? Rupi was staying at
the Marriott? i thought she’d be somewhere posher?” i say. Up
and Coming Bombay author urges us to stay on point, which
is Treadmill yoga. He asks: “Do you know what Treadmill
yoga is?” i’m ashamed. Twenty years of yoga practice has not
brought me into the realm of Treadmill yoga. suffer fake yogini
moment. Up and Coming Bombay author stands on lawn
and demonstrates how Treadmill yoga works. “is that surya
Namaskar?” someone asks. “No, no, it’s warrior pose.” (Phew,
yogini status restored). “Did you ask her about it?” Up and Com-
ing Bombay author shakes his head. “she had the air of fame, so
i couldn’t talk to her.”
Parallel Rupi conversation, which may or may not have
happened at the same party because Rupi is nothing if not om-
nipresent. Lady asks poets Jeet Thayil and Melizarani T selva
what they think about Rupi. Jeet, the senior senator, swiftly

Tishani Doshi keeps an ear out at the world’s biggest literary carnival

books diary


chatwin and

other delightS

in jaipur


portraits by Rohit Chawla

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