Action Asia - February-March 2018

(sharon) #1


— March/April 2018


When to go
Fiji is a year-round dive destination.
June through October is the dry season,
with the clearest water, but it can be
windy and water temps can drop to
around 23°C. The wet season runs from
December to April with generally less
wind aside from occasional typhoons.
Water temps are around 28°C. The
transitional months of November and
May are often favoured times to go.

How to get there
Fiji Airways fly to the city of Nadi on
Viti Levu from many major Asian cities.
From there it takes two to three hours to
reach VoliVoli Resort.

What to take
Use a 5mm wetsuit, even in warm-water
conditions, because the currents here
often draw up colder ‘deep water’.

Nai’a Fiji,
Siren Fleet,
VoliVoli Resort,

A huge sea fan inside a ‘cathedral’ at
famed dive site, E-6, shows possible
damage from 2016’s Typhoon Winston.
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