The Caravan — February 2018

(Nandana) #1


out of focus · books

Raghubir Singh recalls this episode
in the introduction to his fourth photo-
book Rajasthan, India’s Enchanted Land
(1981). He offers the following by way of

In Rajasthan, there are thousands of
villages like Galawas, and hundreds
of others which are worse off. My
aim in writing about the villages is
not simply to show its wretchedness.
I find it futile to add to the volumes
written on the poor in India. But
it is important to point out that in
spite of their poverty, the peasants of
Rajasthan have spun out a wealth of
folk culture. Their exuberance, their
vitality, their ability to laugh, to sing
and dance, interwoven into the rich
fabric of their culture, makes them
stand out ... Even the clothes they
wear, those bright and vivid fabrics,
are a symbol of their colorful spirits.

This passage veers away from one
kind of local colour, only to embrace
another. The argument can be tracked
in two movements. Singh first distances
himself from a strand of concerned

realism—the sort you might associate
with the journalist P Sainath—because
adding to it would be reductive and
futile. His reasoning, one presumes
(he does not articulate it), is that such
writing reduces people to their abjec-
tion. Singh prefers that we celebrate
their “vitality.” Peasants, he argues,
“stand out” because of the “rich fabric
of their culture” (and also because of
their fabrics). This sounds nice enough
until you reverse the equation. Would
they not stand out if they did not sing
and dance? And would Singh have lost
interest if their clothes were plainer?
His early photographs suggest as
much. Consider the peasants in Curi-
ous Villagers Outside a Circus, Pushkar
(1976), who have their backs turned to
us as they peep into a circus tent. This
image has a social valence. Singh has
registered their exclusion. More subtly,
he conveys the imbalance of gender:
the women crouch on their haunches,
predictably beside the children, while
the men and boys stand. But the overall
structure emphasises something else.
The picture frame is neatly divided
along the middle: the top half is covered

previous spread: Subhas
Chandra Bose Statue, Calcutta,
West Bengal, 1986

top: Employees, Morvi Palace,
Gujarat, 1982

right: Slum Dweller, Dharavi,
Bombay, Maharashtra, 1990

succession raghubir singh

succession raghubir singh
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