The Economist Asia - 24.02.2018

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

12 The EconomistFebruary 24th 2018

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Digital doctors

Sir William Osler, arguably the
greatest physician of the 20th
century, said this about being
one’s own doctor: “A physician
who treats himself has a fool
for a patient.” The idea that the
digital revolution in medicine
will allow patients to manage
their own medical care is naive
(“Doctor You”, February 3rd).
Doctors and surgeons
devote seven or more years of
their lives acquiring the knowl-
edge, judgment and experi-
ence that allows them to be
qualified to care for patients. In
fact it takes all these years to be
able to do just three things:
make a correct diagnosis,
arrive at a prognosis and apply
the correct treatment. Your
presumption that, without
medical training and experi-
ence, anyone can play app
roulette, surf the net and be-
come his own doctor, is folly.
Professor emeritus of medicine
University of Kansas Medical
Kansas City, Kansas

The root cause that explains
whyIThas failed to transform
the delivery of medical care is
the information “disorder”
deeply embedded within
mainstream medical practice
and in new alternatives to that
mainstream. The only remedy
is to define generally accepted
standards of care for managing
clinical information (patient
data and medical knowledge).
These standards are missing
from medicine. As a rough
analogy, imagine an economy
operating without broad-
based accounting principles
for financial information. The
effects would be crippling.
That is where the health-care
industry is now.
Medical records have al-
ways been plagued by dis-
order, both paper and electron-
ic. To bring order, support tools
that aid clinical decisions
should be designed to identify
the required patient data and
couple that data with medical
knowledge, rather than being
based on algorithmic and
probabilistic standards.
Underhill, Vermont

H.L. Mencken once said, “For
every complex problem there
is an answer that is clear, sim-
ple, and wrong.” Medical apps
help people who are mostly
young and mostly well and
who want to consult a doctor
quickly. They exclude those
who suffer a greater burden of
ill health. Simple ITanswers
exist at the expense of the
more complex and expensive
patients who must continue to
rely on their traditional general
practices for health care. Those
practices will have less income
if they lose young, healthy
patients to apps, butwill have
to do more work caring for the
complex cases.
The research evidence does
not suggest thatthis new ser-
vice results in better access or
better quality care with fewer
costs. Doctors want innova-
tions that will improve the
workload and workforce crisis
in the National Health Service,
rather than fake innovations
that make the crisis worse.
Former president
Royal College of General

“Doctor You”? A catchy phrase
for your leader, but it would be
better if we had a movement
based on “Doctor with You”.
Kuala Lumpur

Europe’s migrant crisis

Although Charlemagne
touched on some criticisms of
Italy’s intervention in Libya’s
migrant crisis, they were swift-
ly brushed under a carpet
threaded with niceties about
Marco Minniti, the Italian
interior minister (February
3rd). Organisations such as
Amnesty International do not
“hate” Mr Minniti. Rather,
many of us are deeply trou-
bled by the effect of his poli-
cies. Italian and European
co-operation with Libya
means that tens of thousands
of people are trapped in a
country where they face horrif-
ic human-rights violations.
The Libyan government is
refusing to take the steps neces-
sary to overhaul its rotten
migration-management sys-

tem. These steps must include
ending the detention and
abuse of refugees and migrants
and recognising the status of
the UN. The fact that Mr Min-
niti and his fellow European
ministers of interior are not
making theirassistance to
Libya conditional upon such
measures speaks volumes
about their priorities. It also
makes such co-operation
unlawful. We should focus on
resettling refugees out of Libya
and bringing stability to a
divided country. Europe must
do much more to protect the
women, men and children
trapped in Libya. By closing its
doors it is abandoning them to
a wretched future.
Amnesty International

Gun demographics

“How many more?” (February
17th) stated that the shooting at
the Marjory Stoneman
Douglasschool in Florida “was
merely America’s 18th school
shooting this year”. To many
people that might sound like it
was the 18th where someone
killed, or tried to kill, students.
In fact, the figure of18 comes
from an anti-gun group and
counts any incident where a
gun was fired on or near school
property, including accidental
discharges and one incident
where a veteran with PTSD
shot himself in a school’s
parking lot when the school
was closed.
Portland, Oregon

It is unlikely that a generation
raised on lockdown drills, with
access to phone footage of gun
rampages and a waning in-
terest in hunting, will grow up
parroting the National Rifle
Association’s rhetoric as en-
thusiastically as today’s politi-
cal leaders. Change is coming.
West Bradford, Pennsylvania

An Olympic effort

One issue that remains taboo
when it comesto doping in
sport (“Whatever it takes”,
February 10th) is the use of
criminal sentences to combat

it. The traffickers of the banned
substances are punished, but
in most countries the athletes
face no criminal charges. This
is unfair. In October 2015 the
World Anti-Doping Agency
issued a statement opposing
the criminalisation ofdoping
in sport. One of its reasons was
that the system of sanctions,
including the right to appeal to
the Court of Arbitration for
Sport, is sufficient. Well,
obviously, it is not.

Another way to fight doping in
addition to the onesyou listed
is retesting. This allows for the
storing of blood or urine sam-
ples taken from athletes who
are tested in order to retest it
once detection methods have
improved. The deterrent effect
is that a doped athlete takes the
risk that his result will be
disqualified long after his
performance at the Olympics,
or any other tournament he
competes in, up to two years
after the sample was collected.

A government in distress

A little over a year ago you
nicknamed the British prime
minister “Theresa Maybe”
(January 7th 2017). After her
subsequent disasters, I think a
more apt moniker would be
Theresa Mayday (“A sea of
troubles”, February 3rd).
Madrid 7


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