The Economist Asia - 24.02.2018

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

68 Science and technology The EconomistFebruary 24th 2018




AKE the fertilised egg of a pig. From
each cell in the resulting embryo cut out
a gene or genes that promote the develop-
ment of the animal’s heart. Inject human
stem cells from a patient who needs a new
heart into the embryo and then place it
into the womb of a sow. Wait nine months.
The result is an adult pig with a heart made
of human cells. The pig can be slaughtered
and the heart transplanted into the patient
who provided the stem cells, for whom the
organ will be a geneticmatch.
That, at least, is the hope of a panel of re-
searchers who presented their work to the
AAASmeeting. For, though this kind of bio-
logical melding may trip the disgust cir-
cuits, the value of such a procedure, were it
possible, is clear.
First, transplantable organs are scarce
and demand for them is increasing. As life
in general, and cars in particular, become
safer, the supply of bodies with healthy or-
gans in them is shrinking. Meanwhile, peo-
ple are living longer. As a result, some
75,000 individuals in America alone are
waiting for organs. Every day around 20 of
them die. Besides increasing the supply of
organs, growing them in animals might
also increase their utility. The genetic
match between organ and patient would
mean those receiving transplanted organs
would no longer need to take immuno-
suppressive drugs to stop rejection.
All this makes growing organs in live-
stock a tantalising alternative to harvesting
them from the dead. Thousands of years of
breeding have yielded beasts which grow
fast, so a patient need not wait long while

his future heart develops inside a young
animal. Sheep, cows and pigs are all
roughly the right size to host human or-
gans. And, since such animals are already
raised for their flesh and skin, their use to
grow more valuable things should meet
with no objection beyond squeamishness.
Creating human organs in this way
would rely on the union of two recent de-
velopments in biotechnology. CRISPR/
Cas9, a genetic-engineering tool discov-
ered in 2012, would snip away portions of
the animal-host’s genome that control the
development of the organ being grown.
This would create a “genetic vacuum”
which could be filled by induced pluripo-
tent stem cells, the second breakthrough,
made in 2006. Human pluripotent stem
cells can grow into many different kinds of
tissues, filling the void left in the develop-
ing animal with an organ made from the
patient’s own cells.
That this combination works in princi-
ple was first shown last year, when a group
at the Salk Institute in California reported
making mice with eyes, pancreases, hearts
and other organs composed of rat cells.
Such mixed-species creatures are known
as chimeras, after a monsterin Greek my-
thology. Many of these mouse-rat chime-
ras lived to adulthood, and one reached its
second birthday which, for a small rodent,
is old age. A second group, led by Hiro-
mitsu Nakauchi of Stanford University
showed that a mouse pancreas grown this
way in a rat, which then had parts of it
transplanted into a mouse genetically
identical to the one that supplied the stem
cells employed, could control diabetes in
that mouse. Dr Nakauchi had thus created
a working, transplantable organ.
The creation of chimeras that include
human organs is more challenging, be-
cause people are less closely related to
sheep and pigs than mice are to rats. Never-
theless, Dr Nakauchi and his group have
followed up their mouse work by growing
human pancreas cells in pig fetuses. An-
other panellist, Pablo Rossof the Universi-
ty of California, Davis, said he had man-
aged a similar feat in sheep. In both cases
the chimeric animals were not brought to
term. Were that to happen, their human
pancreas cells might hypothetically be ex-
tracted and transplanted into people suf-
fering from diabetes, in order to revive a
patient’s ability to produce insulin.
Dr Nakauchi and Dr Ross both per-
formed their tricks by usingCRISPR/Cas9
to snip a gene called Pdx1 from the embry-
os of theirpigs and sheep. This gene en-
codes a protein crucial to pancreatic devel-
opment, thus creating the genetic vacuum
that the human pluripotent stem cells go
on to fill. But Pdx1 is not the only gene that
can be silenced in this way. Daniel Garry of
the University of Minnesota uses the tech-
nique to shut down Etv2 in pigs. Etv2 con-
trols the development of the vascular sys-

Transplants and biotechnology

Mix and match

Stem cells and gene editing may turn
domestic animals into organ factories

the AAASmeeting, Paul Kenny, of the
Icahn School of Medicine, in New York,
also turned to mice.
The root of Dr Kenny’ssuspicion was
the discovery, post mortem, in the brains
of patients who had been suffering from
these conditions, of elevated levels of three
micro-RNAs, called MiR206, MiR132 and
MiR133b. He and his colleague Molly Heyer
therefore looked at the role of these micro-
RNAs in regulating brain cells called parv-
albumin interneurons, which are thought
to be involved in schizophrenia.
Picking one, MiR206, for closer exami-
nation, the two researchers created a
mouse strain in which the gene for MiR206
was switched off in the parvalbumin inter-
neurons. They then performed experi-
ments to study the behaviour of these
mice, assuming that switching the gene off
might protect them against schizophrenia-
like symptoms. Surprisingly, they found
the opposite.
Their first experiment was to play the
mice a sudden, loud noise. This will startle
any creature, mouse or man. If the noise is
preceded by a softer one, however, both
humans and murines react far less when
the loud noise comes. They are expecting
it. But people with schizophrenia seem
never to learn this expectation. And nei-
ther, to the researchers’ surprise, do mice
with the MiR206 knockout.

The scary moment
For people, these observations are often ex-
plained by the fact that one symptom of
schizophrenia is increased fear. And, in a
second experiment, Dr Kenny and Dr
Heyer showed, again contrary to expecta-
tion, thatMiR206-knockouts were unusu-
ally fearful as well.
The researchers used a box which con-
tained two lights, each positioned above a
lever. First, a light would blink on and go
off. Then, after a delay, both lights would
come on. That was the signal for the mouse
to press a lever. If the lever the mouse
pressed was the one not under the initial
light, the animal received some food. Drs
Kenny and Heyer found that the knocked-
out mice collected less food than did nor-
mal ones. But this was not because they
were making mistakes. If they pressed a le-
ver, they picked the correct one as often as
a normal mouse would. Instead, they were
pressing any lever less often. That was be-
cause they spent most of their time hiding
in the corners of the box opposite the wall
with the lights and levers. Again, they
seemed abnormally afraid.
What all this means for the study of
schizophrenia is unclear. It is possible that
examination of the other two pertinent
micro-RNAs may shed more light on the
matter. More generally, though, both Dr
Kenny’s work and Ms Chan’s are good ex-
amples of the fact that there is more to
genes than was once believed. 7
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