The Economist Asia - 24.02.2018

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

The Economist February 24th 2018

The Republic of Uganda
Initiation for Prequalification
Issue date: 22nd February, 2018

  1. The Government of the Republic of Uganda has applied for Financing from
    the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) towards the cost of the National Roads
    Development Programme, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of
    this Financing to the payments under the contracts for the Upgrading of 191
    km long Rwekunye-Apac-Lira-Puranga Road to Asphaltic Paved Road
    Standard. Disbursement in respect of any contracts signed, will be subject to
    effectiveness of the fi nancing by the Bank.

  2. The Uganda National Roads Authority now intends to prequalify Contractors and/
    or fi rms for: Upgrading of:
    (I) Procurement Reference No. UNRA/WRKS/16-17/00002/01 - Lot 1:
    Rwekunye-Apac (90.9 km) and;
    (II) Procurement Reference No. UNRA/WRKS/16-17/00002/02 - Lot 2: Apac-
    Lira- Puranga Road (100.1 km)
    from Earthen/Gravel Roadway to Asphaltic Paved Road Standard.
    The above two lots will be procured through International Competitive Bidding
    with pre-qualifi cation of bidders as defi ned in IDB Guidelines for Procurement
    of Goods and Works dated May 2009. The eligible fi rms would be allowed to
    prequalify and bid for both lots.

  3. The Rwekunye-Apac-Lira-Puranga Road is part of the National Road Network.
    It connects the Western with the Northern parts of Uganda and traverses four
    districts of Masindi, Apac, Lira and Pader. The road link starts at Rwekunye
    in Masindi District off the Kampala – Gulu highway, runs through Masindi Port
    where there is a ferry crossing across the Nile River, and crosses Apac and Lira
    districts before it terminates at Puranga in Pader District.

  4. The Civil works for the Construction of Rwenkunye-Apac-Lira-Puranga Road
    Section includes all works related to Upgrading of 191Km long existing Earthen/
    Gravel roadway to Asphaltic Road Standard in two lots, as mentioned above.
    Major work items include all works related to upgrading of existing 2-lane Earthen/
    Gravel roadway to 3.5 m wide traffic lanes, 1.5 m paved and 0.3 m unpaved
    shoulders, associated earthworks, granular pavement layers, asphalt pavement,
    paved shoulders, retaining structures, gabion walls, bridges, culverts, pipe
    culverts, roadside drainage system, installation of road safety devices, provision
    of weighing stations and axle load control, roadside facilities such as laybys,
    bus stops and waiting areas, service areas, emergency stopovers environmental
    mitigation measures, etc., and other associated miscellaneous civil works. The
    road section is being maintained under a Term Maintenance contract.

  5. It is expected that Invitations for Bid (IFB) will be made in June 2018.

  6. Prequalifi cation will be conducted through prequalifi cation procedures specifi ed
    in the Islamic Development Bank’s Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and
    Works May 2009, and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries, as
    defi ned in the Guidelines.

  7. Interested eligible applicants may obtain further information from and inspect
    the Prequalifi cation Document at the address below during working hours (0900
    to 1700).

  8. A complete set of the Prequalifi cation Document in the English language may be
    purchased by interested applicants through submission of a written application to
    the address below, and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of UGX:50,000=
    (Uganda Shillings Fifty Thousand only) or US$14. The method of payment will
    be by registering the payment on the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) website
    portal. Print the payment advice Form after registering on the URA Portal and
    effect payment through any of the URA collection Banks.

  9. Applications for Prequalifi cation should be submitted in sealed envelopes,
    delivered to the address below before or on 3rd May, 2018 at 11:00 a.m., and
    be clearly marked “Application to Prequalify for Upgrading of Rwekunye-
    Apac-Lira-Puranga Road (191 km); Procurement No: UNRA/WRKS/16-
    17/00002/01-02” whichever is applicable. The applications shall be opened at
    the address below on 3rd May 2018 at 11:00 am.
    The Head, Procurement and Disposal Unit,
    Uganda National Roads Authority
    Plot 3-5, New Port Bell Road
    UAP Nakawa Business Park
    1st Floor Block D
    P. O. Box 28487, Kampala, Uganda
    Tel:+ 256 (0) 312 233 100/414 318 000 Fax: + 256 (0) 414 232 807/347 616
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Any form of canvassing or lobbying for the tender shall lead to automatic disqualification.

The Republic of Uganda Uganda National Roads Authority Uganda National Roads Authority
Project: Upgrading of Rwekunye–Apac–Lira–Acholibur Road Project
Description of Assignment: Consultancy Services for Design Review and Construction
Supervision of the Upgrading of Rwekunye–Apac–Lira–
Puranga Road (191 km) and 25 km of Secondary Roads.
Sector: Transportation
Mode of Financing: Istisna’a Financing
Financing No: 2UGA0125
Contract/Bid No: UNRA/SRVCS/16-17/00006/01-02
The Republic of Uganda has applied for fi nancing from the Islamic Development Bank
(IsDB) in the amount of US $210.0 million towards the cost of Upgrading Rwenkunye-
Apac-Lira--Acholibur Road Project and it intends to apply part of the proceeds towards
payment under the Contract for the Consultancy Services for Design Review and
Construction Supervision of the Upgrading of Rwenkunye-Apac-Lira-Puranga Road
(191 km) and 25 km of Secondary roads. The Project scope involves upgrading of 191
km 2-lane existing earthen/gravel road to asphaltic paved road standard with 2-lanes
of 3.5 m wide asphaltic traffic lanes, 1.5 m paved and 0.45 m unpaved shoulders and
improvement of 25 km secondary link roads, associated structures, drainage works,
highway safety works, provision of weighing and axle load control equipment, road side
facilities and other associated Civil works.
The objective of the assignment is to carry out detailed design review, procurement of
civil works Contractor, Supervision and monitoring of physical progress, quality and the
fi nancial status of the Construction works with the objective to ensure that the works are
completed on time, meet the engineering specifi cations, social, environmental and road
safety standards. The services are expected to be completed within fi fty (50) calendar
months from the commencement date.
The Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) now invites eligible consulting fi rms
from IsDB Member countries to express their interest in providing the required services.
Interested Consultants must provide specifi c information which demonstrates that they
are fully qualifi ed to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments,
experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.).
Experience in the following areas or tasks shall be the minimum requirement for the

  • Review of Detailed Engineering Designs and specifi cations;

  • Support/assistance in the preparation of technical specifi cations, bidding
    documents and review and evaluation of bids;

  • Supervision of Civil works contracts and Contract Management;

  • Carrying out all standard duties required from the Engineer according to the FIDIC
    Condition of Contract.
    Consultants may express interest in the forms of association, validated by an intention
    letter or agreement among members of the association which clearly specifi es the type
    of association, i.e. a Joint Venture or Sub-consultancy. A Consultant will be selected
    from a shortlist of the IDB Member consultancy fi rms through Quality and Cost-based
    Selection method as set out in the Guidelines for Use of Consultants under Islamic
    Development Bank Financing (current edition) after shortlisting.
    Interested Consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office
    hours (0900 to 1600 hours) from Mondays to Fridays.
    The Head, Procurement and Disposal Unit,
    Uganda National Roads Authority
    Plot 3-5, New Port Bell Road
    UAP Nakawa Business Park
    First Floor Block D
    P. O. Box 28487, Kampala, Uganda
    Tel:+ 256 (0) 312 233 100/414 318 000 Fax: + 256 (0) 414 232 807 /347 616
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Expression of interest, in English (one Original plus two copies), in a sealed envelope
    clearly marked “Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for Design Review
    and Construction Supervision of Upgrading of Rwekunye-Apac–Lira-Acholibur
    Road (191 km) and 25 km of Secondary Roads” must be delivered to the Physical
    address below in person or by registered mail/courier, or by email, to reach not later
    than 1100 hours (Local time) on 2nd May, 2018. The EOI applications shall be opened
    on 2nd May at 11:00hrs.
    The Head, Procurement and Disposal Unit,
    Uganda National Roads Authority
    Plot 3-5, New Port Bell Road
    UAP Nakawa Business Park
    First Floor Block D
    P. O. Box 28487, Kampala, Uganda
    Tel:+ 256 (0) 312 233 100/414 318 000 Fax: + 256 (0) 414 232 807 /347 616
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Any form of canvassing or lobbying for the tender shall lead to automatic disqualification.


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